What was the main style worn in Canada in the 1900s
Name one invention made in the 1900s
AM radio, Marquis Wheat, 5 Pin Bowling, and Canada Dry
who was the prime minister in the 1900s
Wilfrid Laurier
when was saskatchewan founded
who was Chief Joe Capilano the leader of
the Squamish
what religion did they practice in Quebec
Roman Catholic
Who invented AM radio
Reginald Fesseden
who was president of the USA in the 1900s
Theodore Roosevelt
who was the first preimier of Saskatchewan
Walter Scott
what was the effect of the census of 1901
the numbers were skewed to deny the indidgeonous access to community infastructure
How did the poor do to entertain themselves
picnics and fairs
Why was Marquis Wheat influentual
produced a better yield quicker
what was the population of Canada in the begining of the 1900s
over 7 million
what was the population of Saskatchewan at the begining of the decade
over 90,000
Who was Dr. Peter Bryce's role in raising awareness for first nations
he visited the residental schools and released a report concerning the bad conditions of the school
what was the setting of the high class social gatherings
private clubs, residents, and hotels
when was the first radio broadcast
what dollar bill is wilfrid laurier on
the $5 bill
How did Clifford Sifton help the start of Saskatchewan
he helped the development of the province as the federal minister of the interior
what was Duncan Campbell Scott's position of First Naitons
he believed that the first nations had to be assimilated into a White Canadian society
what materials did wealthy Canadians wear
silk, lace, and fine linen
Why was 5 Pin Bowling invented
because people were complaining that 10 pin was too strenuous
what years was Wilfrid Laurier Prime Minister
what was the prairies marketed as
the last best west
what did Chief Joe Capilano die of