Hey I heard that you and Jenny are getting sushi for lunch, mind if I _______
tag along
Jacob ran _________ the room, put his wallet _________ the table, then took his phone ________ his pocket.
across + onto + out of
What are some synonyms for: Build
Take a dip / Have a dip
Have a swim
Go Dutch
Split the bill
You won't believe who I _________ on the street yesterday! Bill Johnson! I hadn't heard from him in years!
ran/bumped into
You need to get _______ your car, then drive ____ your car for 20 minutes ________ the road. Then get _______ your car and ______ the bus. Take the bus for 3 stops, then get ___________ the bus ____ Central Station.
into + in + along + out of + onto + off + at
What does LIMP mean? (verb and adjective)
In the nick of time
Just in time
If it's no trouble, do you mind if we take a quick detour on the way home? My cousin Bill's birthday is today, and I'd love to ____________ to call him old.
drop in on him
First thing in the morning, I get __________ bed, __________ the shower then spending 20 minutes singing _____ the shower. Then I get _________ the shower, walk _______ the kitchen and pour cereal and milk _______ my bowl.
out of + into + in + out of + into + into
What are some synonyms for: Fast
What are the three common types of beer sizes in QLD?
Pot -> Schooner -> Pint
Kill time
Pass time while waiting
Ben just kept yapping on and on about this new TV show he's watching, in the end I just ______________ and kept nodding and smiling.
tuned him out
through + past + into + up/down
What does infuriate mean?
to make angry
buy drinks / food
Raking it in
Earning a lot of money
Come on guys, let's not ________________! Our project is due tomorrow and you're sitting there gossiping!
get side-tracked
First, you need to go ____________ the tunnel, __________ the bridge (where there is sunlight), then walk _____________ the road for about 20 minutes.
through + over/across + along/on
What is the difference between WINK and BLINK
Spit the dummy
Throw a tantrum
Throw money down the drain
Waste money