This person was one of the most influential designers who broke down gender stereotypes in the form of fashion
Who was Coco Chanel?
The daily requirement of calories for each man
What is 4300
A young woman with a short bob hairstyle, cigarette dangling from her painted lips, dancing energetically to a live jazz band.
What is a flapper?
This article of clothing—similar to a corset—became popular in replacement of the corset, however, as it allowed women more movement and freedom
What is a bra?
This is a common substitute for bread and is used in western-style beer
What is Barley?
Lighter and more flexible clothing for women was created to allow freer dancing
How did jazz help change women's clothing?
This hat was the most popular during the 1920s and looked good with short hair
What is a cloche hat?
This is a method most protein was processed through.
This further could continue to control what music black musicians could produce
What is the recording industry?
This type of dress was well-above the ankles and was seen as patriotic because it lightened the mood for men and soldiers
What is a Barrel Dress/War-time Crinoline?)
What did soldiers love to drink other than water
What is tea?
This French term, meaning “boyish,” described the loose-fitting fashion style popularized by Coco Chanel, allowing women more freedom of movement
What is the garçonne look?
The well-known blue and white uniform, whose colour scheme is meant to comfort injured soldiers
What does a “Bluebird” nurses’ outfit include?
This is why most victory garden crops were grown
Easy to grow/Nutritional/Easily Preserved?
Unlike many other Canadian provinces, Montreal had a more relaxed approach to alcohol restrictions, leading to this nickname during Prohibition
What is “wet city”?