Babe Ruth
What was the early American nickname for motels?
A) Tourist Cabins
B) Traveler Cabins
Tourist Cabins
How many Republican Presidents governed America during the 1920s?
Three (Harding, Coolidge, Hoover)
Which emerging music style was symbolic of the "modern" and "unfamiliar" 1920s?
Which war "caused" the next generation of poets and writers to be "lost"?
World War I
Duke Ellington
Who is famous for saying "The business of America is business"?
POTUS Coolidge
Which 1920s POTUS was known for his corrupt friends in both Ohio and his cabinet?
Which tycoon was known for hiring African American workers in his factories in the 1920s when others would often not do so?
A) Henry Ford
B) John D. Rockefeller
Henry Ford
Which of these events DID NOT further push intellectuals of the 1920s into the "lost" category?
Sacco/Vanzetti Trial, Prohibition, Reemergence of the KKK, Harding's Election, Wartime censoring of radicals
Harding's Election
Josh Gibson
What is the nickname for moves by employers to create positive work environments by building amenities like ballfields and cafeterias?
A) People's Capitalism
B) Welfare Capitalism
Welfare Capitalism
Coolidge did much to (curtail, strengthen) Progressive victories from the earliest decade.
Which New York borough became the "Negro Capital" of North America?
Many Americans of this "lost generation" relocated to which European city?
A) London
B) Munich
C) Paris
Josephine Baker
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By 1929 there were enough cars in production for ____ out of every 5 Americans to own one.
Which country did not sign the Five Power Treaty in agreement to scrap more than 2,000,000 tons of warships?
Italy, Germany, USA, Britain, France, Japan
Mexican immigrants of the 1920s largely settled in which region of America?
A) Northwest
B) Southwest
C) Midwest
Which of these works is not a class "lost generation" piece?
A) The Great Gatsby
B) The Waste Land
C) A Farewell To Arms
D) The Grey Man
The Grey Man
Rudolph Valentino
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What were the two largest American industries of this decade?
Steel, Coal, Oil, Cattle Ranching, Textiles, Meat Packing
Coal, Textiles
Of whom did Coolidge say in 1927 “That man has offered me unsolicited advice for six years, all of it bad.”
A) Andrew Mellon
B) Herbert Hoover
C) Charles Evans Hughes
Herbert Hoover
What is the vocab term for "Spanish speakers who had been resident in California for generations" who became the "professional class" of the growing Mexican-American community?
A) Californios
B) Mexi-Calis
C) Californias
The intellectual debates between great thinkers like Lippmann, Mencken and Dewey revolved around which topic?
A) Women's Rights
B) Role of Government in business
C) Democracy