This policy banned the sale and consumption of alcohol, although it wasn't effective
This extremist group was known for their white hoods and hatred of minorities
Who are the KKK
America proposed this military idea, which had the goal of decreasing military size
This notorious American gangster, who gained prominence during the Prohibition era, was primarily known as the leader of the Chicago Outfit
Who is Al Capone
This treaty limited the construction of warships between powerful countries
What is the 5-Power Naval Treaty
This act exempted farmers from anti-trust prosecution
This pro-prohibition group was made up of multiple groups of people on the political spectrum
Who are drys
This court case removed special protection and minimum wages for women
What is Adkins v Children's Hospital
Who is Charles Lindbergh
This treaty agreed to keep the status quo in the pacific in an attempt to halt East Asian conflict
What is the 4-Power Treaty
This law gave the government the ability to enforce Prohibition
What is the Volstead Act
This gang, led eventually by Al Capone, rose to prominence during prohibition.
What is the Five Points Gang
Al Capone was blamed for this event in which 7 men were shot by people wearing police costumes
What is the St. Valentine's Day Massacre
This man was put on trial while backed by the ACLU for teaching evolution within schools
Who is John Scopes
This treaty affirmed the sovereignty of China
What is the 9-Power Treaty
This law was created in Tennessee to ban the teaching of evolution
What is Butler Law
A progressive group founded in the 1920s focused around more civil rights and reform
What is the American Civil Liberties Union
In this notorious scandal, bribes were taken to issue out land and oil reserves
What is the Teapot Dome Scandal
This corrupt Secretary of the Interior during the Harding administration was responsible for Teapot Dome Scandal
Who is Albert B Fall
This economic plan created a cycle of loans, with America loaning to Germany, who paid off European powers, who paid off America
What is the Dawes Plan
This bill, vetoed twice by Coolidge, would use increased taxes on farmers to purchase surplus goods and sell them abroad
What is the McNary-Haugen Bill
These American representatives were used to keep the image of isolation, while still being present at world events like the Geneva Convention
Who are Unofficial Observers
Although he only got 5 million votes running against Coolidge, this third party socialist reinvigorated more progressive ideas in the American public
Who is La Follette
This international agreement on peace, in which signatory states promised not to use war to resolve disputes or conflicts of whatever nature, was signed in 1928
What is the Kellogg-Briand Pact