1920's Society
1920's People
1920's Culture
1920's Life
1920's Politics

The main point of immigration from 1892 to 1924 was through New York and at this place.  

What is Ellis Island?


This baseball play was the most famous of all players in the 1920's.  His popularity was increased by the new ability to listen to baseball live on the radio.  In 1927, he hit 60 home runs and is credited with creating an offense for baseball where players swung hard.  He's also the most famous New York Yankee

Who is Babe Ruth?


This is the age of music in the 1920's; subgenres included Chicago, and Dixieland. 

What is the Jazz Age?


This popular boy's club started in 1910 and is still around today. 

Who are the Boy Scouts?


Which amendment gave women the right to vote? 

What is the 19th amendment?


This invention made news travel faster around the world and spread the popularity of sports.

What is the radio? (1920 was the first commercial radio station.  Radio was invented in 1890's, but wasn't widespread until late 1920's) 


This female aviator took her first plane ride in 1920 and soloed in 1921. 

Who is Amelia Earhart?


This director began producing animated movies in the 1920's

Who is Walt Disney?

He quickly became a millionaire in the United States from inventing cars.
Who is Henry Ford? 

This President was in office during the 1929 stock market crash.  Later, makeshift housing incorporated this President's name into what these areas were called.

Who was Herbert Hoover? "Hoovervilles"


The name of the popular vehicle of the 1920's? 

What is the Model T?


What were young rebellious American women who cut their hair in "bobs" referred to as?

Who are Flappers? 


This movement banned the distribution and sale of alcohol.  It was also the 18th amendment.

What is Prohibition?


Americans heavily invested in these during the 1920's?

What is stocks? 


He took over Russia and became leader of the Soviet Union in the 20's? 

Who is Vladimir Lenin?


This pandemic killed an estimated 21-50 million people or 2.7% of the global population; over 500 million people were effected by it with close to 3 out of 10 contracting it.

What is the Spanish Flu?


He became a millionaire by creating a production line and a fine car too.

Who is Henry Ford?


The event of African Americans leaving the South in mass numbers to other areas of the US.

What is the Great Migration? 


In 1920, this "Greatest Show on Earth" started in New York City.

What is Ringling Brothers Barnum and Baily Circus?


What was the fear of Communism known as?

What is Red Scare?


The Immigration Act of 1924 slowed immigration through what means? 

What are immigration quotas? (2% of each nationality was allowed in per year.  Significantly slowing down the number of immigrants.)


1925 is when this famous novel by F.Scott Fitzgerald was published. It tells the story of a millionaire who throws lavish parties trying to win back his lost love Daisy. This book is seen as the epitome, (perfect example of) the Jazz age.

What is The Great Gatsby?


In 1925, this trial dealt with the issue of evolution theory in public schools?

What is the Scopes trial? 


This industry went through a boom during the 1920's thanks for Henry Ford.

What is the oil industry?


When stocks are over-valued, but people continue to buy them with the hope that they will continue to increase.  This is one of the reasons behind the stock market crash of 1929. 

What is Speculation?
