What amendement passed that banned alcohol?
What is 18th Amendement.
I invented the Assembley Line and the "Model T"
What is Henry Ford.
Who was a Harlem Renaissance poet?
Who is Langston Hughes.
Who was known as the “Empress of the Blues.”
Who is Bessie Smith.
I am a gangster who sells illegal alcohol
What is a bootlegger.
Who smuggled alcohol in from other countries?
What is bootleggers.
Who invented the telephone that made business transcations faster?
What is Alexander Bell.
Who was a singer and played the trumpet, his nickname,"Sachmo"?
Who is Louis Armstrong.
Who wrote novels about the plight of the migrant worker, such as Grapes of Wrath?
Who is John Steinbeck.
A _______ writes music.
What is a composer.
What did they call an illegal bar that sold alcohol?
What is a speakeasy.
Wh made the first engine powered airplane flight on December 17, 1903?
What is The Wright Brothers.
Who wrote about flappers and bootleggers in books
such as The Great Gatsby?
Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Double Jeopardy! Who was the first president that women voted for in 1920?
What is Warren G. Harding
I am a 1920's party girl that wore short hair and short skirts?
What is a flapper.
What is the Great Migration?
What is when many African American's moved north.
What electric applicancies gave Americans more free time? Give (two examples)
What is washing machines, stoves, water pumps and vacuum cleaners.
Who was a piano player and composer, played at the
cotton Club with his orchestra?
Who is Duke Ellington.
Who painted urban landscapes and desert scenes, later moved to Mexico and painted close-ups of flowers?
Who is Georgia O'Keeffe.
During Prohitition these were called illegal bars?
What is a speakeasy.
Fill in the blanks:
Alcoholism did ______ but crime actually _______.
What is decline & increased.
What did Americans do with their new free time? Give at 2 examples)
What is listen to the radio, go to movies, go dancing, play games, and to sporting events.
These men were American classical composers who were heavily influenced by jazz; they composed pieces that were uniquely American?
Who is Aaron Copeland and George Gershwin.
Who was influenced by the Harlem Renaissance, used his art to chronicle the history of African-Americans?
Who is Jacob Lawrence.
During ________ alcoholic beverages were illegal?
What is Prohibition.