By 1924, Henry Ford had revolutionized the assembly line and made the ______-__ widely available for American families.
What was the nickname for women who wore shorter dresses and hairstyles and were known for "flapping" their arms when they danced?
What did they used to call groups who participated in organized crime?
The Mob/The Mafia
What are two diseases/health problems that soldiers could catch while fighting in the trenches in World War 1?
Trench foot, trench fever, trench mouth, shell shock, rashes, etc.
Diners, motels, and stores grew in popularity with the increase in ______________ across the country.
This machine was invented to help make it easier to clean one's home, specifically the floors!
What type of music became extremely popular in this time and inspired new dance styles like the Charleston and the Shimmy?
Sports such as golf, which were previously only played by the wealthy, were now opened up to the _______ ________.
Middle Class
What is the name for people who believed there should be no government?
In 1921, Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act that limited the number of __________ coming to the US
This invention made it possible for families to preserve food for longer periods of time.
Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, and Louis Armstrong were all famous artists of the _____________ ______________.
Harlem Renaissance
Gertrude Ederle was the first woman to swim in what body of water?
The English Channel
What kind of people was the United States trying to hunt down during the "Red Scare"?
Increases in immigration, the Great Migration, problems with Industrialization and Urbanization, and anti-racial hysteria during the Red Scare caused what?
The return of the KKK.
Commercial brands of this food, such as Skippy and Jiffy were introduced in the 1920's and are still today a favorite to eat in a sandwich with jelly or honey.
Peanut Butter
By 1930, Americans were spending $95 million a week on _________ _________.
Movie tickets
In 1928, people attempted to run from Los Angeles to New York City in pursuit of a $48,500 prize in a race called the ________ ________.
Bunion Derby
Which President was elected in 1921 but only served two years because he died suddenly of a heart attack?
Warren Harding
The Scopes Trial made it illegal to teach about __________ in schools.
The first _______ ________, at that time named KDKA, began broadcasting in Pittsburgh during this period.
Radio Station
Who wrote The Great Gatsby?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Mickey Mouse's full name is actually ____________ Mouse, and he gained fame after starring in his first colored cartoon in 1928.
Who was President when the stock market crashed in 1929?
Herbert Hoover
The "Lost Generation" earned its nickname because people of that generation lost faith in _______________ __________.
Traditional values