What rock group led the 'British Invasion'?
The Beatles
What important event in space happened in 1969?
The Moon Landing
What blonde bombshell tragically passed away at the young age of 36?
Marylin Monroe
What comic strip debuted in the 60s?
Family Circus
The very first TV Christmas Special debuted in the 60s. What was it?
A Charlie Brown Christmas
What singer returned home in the 60s from serving in the military?
Elvis Presley
What president was assassinated in the 60s?
John F. Kennedy, Jr
Bob Dylan wrote which song that became a protest song for many people in the future?
"The Times They Are A-Changing"
What 2 long running and popular SciFi tv series debuted in the 60s?
Star Trek and Doctor Who
In Berkley in the 60s, students and young people burned what?
Draft Cards
What cartoon series began in 1960?
The Flintstones
What were the 2 sides of the Vietnam War?
What famous creator and puppeteer was the driving force behind Sesame Street in 1969?
Jim Henson
The Manson Family famously murdered what 1960s actress?
Sharon Tate
What black political party was formed in the 1960s
The Black Panther Party
What was the most popular dance in the 1960s?
The Twist
What was the name of the nuclear stand-off between Russia and the US?
The Cuban Missile Crisis
What singer recorded a live album at a prison?
Name the Artist and the Album
Johnny Cash - "Live at Folsom Prison"
What were the months of June-September called in 1967?
The Summer of Love
What actor played Batman in the popular campy TV series in 1966
Adam West
This filmmaker defined "Slasher" movies with this movie released in 1960
Alfred Hitchcock; "Psycho"
In 1964, plans were introduced to begin building what famous NYC landmark?
The World Trade Center
Who was elected president in 1968?
Richard Nixon
The 60s released the final Disney movie that Walt personally worked on. What was it?
The Jungle Book
What famous magazine released its final issue in 1969 after 147 years?
The Saturday Evening Post