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Famous People

The state of a popular liquid that has stopped flowing for a long time and become an environmental and health hazard and the famous 1974 event that led to the resignation of former president Nixon

What is Stagnant Watergate Scandal?


This top song of the year 1974 was a popular tune by Barbara Streisand detailing "...memories. Like the corners of my mind." 

What is The Way We Were?
This actress born in 1974 had her first major role in the "biopic" Catch Me if you Can and also had a guest role as a main characters love interest in popular sitcom The Office.

Who is Amy Adams?


This football team that was founded in 1965 won one of their two super bowl victories in 1974.

Who are the Miami Dolphins?


This common colorful confectionary that is actually used to help treat hypoglycemia in diabetes patients was founded in the year 1974.

What is skittles?

A popular sitcom featuring an iconic character played by Henry Winkler that began in 1974 and a popular soap opera that contains 60 seasons beginning in 1965 prominently featured in shows like Friends.

What is Happy Days of our Lives?


This independent horror film that aired in 1974 originated a large number of classic horror movie clichés including having many sequels, 8 in this franchises case, that are all worse than the original and widely considered to be mostly terrible.

What is The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?


This popular actor born in 1974 who was related to another actor that unfortunately passed away in 1970 due to an overdose is often considered to be one of the greatest actor of the current generation.

Who is Joaquin Phoenix?


This MLB team founded in 1901 with an award winning movie made about the teams 2002 season won the world series in 1974.

Who are the Oakland Athletics?


The legendary army made of this substance was discovered by farmers in Xian, China in 1974.

What is terracotta?


A cryptid that is one of the faces of cryptozoology alongside things like the Loch Ness Monster and Mothman and a popular shoe company that was founded in 1974.

What is Bigfootlocker?


This film released in 1974 won seven of ten Oscar nominations and was praised as having one of the best screen plays ever written.

What is The Sting?


This American  comedy writer, turned failed actor, turned show host born in 1974 is known for having on many famous actors and musicians as well as having many controversies and having a toxic work environment.

Who is Jimmy Fallon?


Facing against The Netherlands, this country won the world cup in 1974 which also happened to be held in their home country.

What is West Germany?


April 3rd of 1974 marked the largest outbreak of these in a 24 hour period in history, of 148 instances of them in the U.S, until 2011.

What are tornados? 


A 1974 horror novel written by Steven King detailing a girl with telekinetic powers and a beloved actress who, alongside extremely famous and iconic roles was also in films such as The Blues Brothers, When Harry Met Sally, and Hannah and her Sisters

Who is Carrie Fisher?


Despite not winning any Academy Awards, this American western sitcom was the highest grossing film of 1974 and ranked number six on the American Film Institute's 100 Years...100 Laughs list. 

What is Blazing Saddles?


This man who famously made the first solo flight from New York to Paris which took him 33.5 hours passed away in 1974.

Who is Chales Lindbergh? 


In October of 1974 was a legendary boxing match between Muhammad Ali and George Forman that is commonly referred to as this.

What is the Rumble in the Jungle?

A gift to all Americans, after over 40 years, New Years Eve 1974 marked the day where you were finally allowed once again to buy and sell this valuable.

What is gold?


An anthology radio drama that ran for almost 1,400 episodes beginning in 1974 detailing stories of the macabre and a horror comedy starring Vincent Price that aired 1 year before.

What is CBS Mystery Theater of Blood?


This sitcom that began airing in 1971, which later was continued as Archie's Bunker Palace, was the highest rated television series in 1974.

What is All in the Family?


This man born in 1974 is famous for quite a few things including talk show host, producer of talent hunting reality shows, and most importantly, providing Maxwell Smart of CONTROL vital information that led him to go to Washington.

Who is Ryan Seacrest?


The precursor to higher pay and the creation of this Rule which causes a team that loses a player that becomes a free agent must be paid compensation by the team who takes the player was NFL players going on strike for 41 days in July of 1974

What is the Rozelle Rule?

In Troy, Ohio of all places was the first use of this supermarket technological advancement that has become a staple of the shopping experience in every retail store.

What is the barcode?
