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How did Jeannette catch on fire?

She was cooking hot dogs by herself and her dress caught on fire.


What is the prospector?

An invention Rex is working on to separate gold from rocks


Because of Quixote the cat, what does Jeannette fear when she falls out of the car?

Her family might leave her behind, too


What did Rex get his kids for Christmas?

He took them into the desert and "gave" each kid a star for Christmas.


How does Rose Mary’s new piano end up in the backyard?

While using the car to pull it into the house, Rose Mary pushes too hard on the gas pedal and pulls the car all the way through the house to the backyard.


What does is mean to leave somewhere “Rex Walls Style?”

It means to leave somewhere without paying.


What does Rose Mary say to Jeannette after throwing their cat out the window?

"Don't be so sentimental"


Based on Rex’s comment about Jeannette’s “snot locker,” how does the Walls family deal with unfortunate events?

The deal with these events with humor

How did Brian protect Jeannette when their parents wouldn’t?

Brian went to Jeannette's defense when she was getting beat up after school.


Why is Rose Mary not upset that her piano will have to stay in the backyard?

She feels fortunate to get to play for the neighbors and make them happy with her music.


What is ironic about Rose Mary calling chewing gum a “low-class habit?”

The Walls family could be considered "low-class"


What was the real reason the Walls family was always moving?

They were avoiding bill/debt collectors


What made Jeannette finally fear fire?

She was playing with fire in the bathroom and that night the hotel burns down.


What promise does Jeannette make Maureen when she is born?

Jeannette promised Maureen she would always take care of her.


How did Jeannette and Brian start a fire in the shed?

They went to the dump to collect hazardous materials to mix together and try to explode. These experiments caught the shed on fire.


What did Rose Mary say when she saw Jeannette cooking hot dogs a few days after returning from the hospital?

She says, “Good! You can’t fear something as basic as fire.”


How did Rex make himself look to his kids? (Think about his stories.)

He made himself into a hero with his stories.


How did society reject the Walls family when they tried to sleep on the beach?

A police officer told them they could not sleep on the beach so Rex and Rose Mary decide to leave town.

Why does Rex chase a very pregnant Rose Mary with the car?

The adults were fighting about how long Rose Mary had been pregnant. After he wouldn't believe her, she ran out of the car.


What is the Green Lantern? How do Jeannette and Brian feel about it?

The Green Lantern is a house where prostitutes live and work. Jeannette and Brian are interested because if is mysterious.


Name at least THREE things Jeannette liked about the hospital.

1) How clean it was

2) She had her own room

3) She got to watch TV

4) She always had food.


Name at least THREE things the Glass Castle would have, according to Rex.

1) glass walls

2) glass ceiling

3) glass staircase 

4) solar cells on the roof


How is the Joshua Tree symbolic of Jeannette’s life?

The Joshua Tree is weathered and has gone through hardships but is stronger because of them. Jeannette is like this because her life is hard, but she is strong.


Why does Rex scream at the kids when the U-Haul doors open on the highway?

He is scared about someone seeing the kids in the back and calling the police. If the police were called, he could go to jail.


How did Rex teach Jeannette to swim?

He threw her in a Hot Pot and let her sink, picking her up at the last minute. Then he threw her back in over and over again until she learned how to swim.
