The Ministry of ___________________ is responsible for war and military affairs.
Winston and Julia meet in a rented room above ___________________’s shop.
What is Winston’s job at the Ministry of Truth?
Altering historical records
The Party’s slogan is " ___________________ is Peace, Freedom is ___________________, Ignorance is ___________________."
War, Slavery, Strength
The crime of thinking anything against the Party
The Ministry of ___________________ is responsible for controlling propaganda, historical revision, and information.
He is the leader of the Party and has his picture posted everywhere. He is always watching, but might not actually exist.
Big Brother
What phrase does Winston write repeatedly in his diary?
"Down with Big Brother"
What is Winston's attitude toward the Party?
He wants to overthrow it and join the rebellion.
A restricted language designed to limit free thought
The Ministry of ___________________ is responsible handling law enforcement, surveillance, and torture.
Winston believes he will find answers in a book written by ___________________. The enemy of the Party and leader of the Brotherhood.
Emmanuel Goldstein
What class of people does Winston belong to?
The outer party
The Party watches citizens through ___________________, which are always monitoring them.
The ability to accept two contradictory beliefs at the same time
The Ministry of ___________________ is responsible for regulating the economy, rationing, and production.
Winston’s secret lover who rebels in private ways
What happens when Winston and Julia are caught?
They are arrested by the Thought Police, and Mr. Charrington is revealed as an agent.
How does the Party control reality?
The Party controls reality by constantly rewriting history, altering facts, and forcing citizens to accept false truths (doublethink). This keeps people dependent on the Party and prevents rebellion.
The constant monitoring of citizens by the government
What Ministry does Winston work for?
The Ministry of Truth
___________________ is the ultimate enforcer of the Party’s rules and tortures Winston. A high-ranking Inner Party member who deceives Winston.
What is the significance of the glass paperweight Winston buys?
It symbolizes his connection to the past and his dream of a private life.
What is Julia's attitude toward the Party?
She hates the Party but only rebels in small, personal ways.
Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.