Two actresses, in separate movies, were both nominated for playing this Royal Monarch who died in 2022. 

An oscar first. 

Who is Queen Elizabeth? 

Judi Dench (Shakespeare in Love)

Cate Blanchett (Elizabeth) 


I'm not talking about Meth, he hosted the Oscars for the 7th time

Who is Billy Crystal?


Gladiator was the big winner of the night (5), this actor took home a statue for his potrayal of Maximus

Who is Russel Crowe? 

Will Smith received his first of 3 Oscar nominations for his portrayal of this boxer 

Who is Muhammed Ali? 


Shakespeare in Love (7) was the bigger winner of the night. This actress, who later became the Founder/CEO of Goop, took home best actress

Who is Gwyneth Paltrow? 


American Beauty (5) was the big winner of the night. This, now cancelled, Actor took home Best Actor for playing a cuckhold husband

Who is Kevin Spacey? 


Steven Soderbourgh became the first director since 1938 to receive a Best Director nomination for two movies in the same year. One for Traffic and another for this Julia Roberts led movie

What is Erin Brokovich? 


Beautiful Mind (4) was the big winner of the night. This actress, who later appeared in Top Gun Maverick, won for best actress 

Who is Jennifer Connolly? 


Good morning and if I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night

Ed Harris received his 2nd nomination for playing the villain in this Jim Carey movie.

What is the Truman Show?


Receiving his first nominee, this Director broke out onto the scene with the Sixth Sense 

I see dead people

Who is M. Night Shyamalan?


This actor, received his 4th nomination. He was on-screen by himself for over two thirds of the movie. 

Who is Tom Hanks?

Cast Away 


She became the first African American to win Best Actress for her part in Monsters Ball

Who is Halle Berry? 


This Director won for Saving Private Ryan, his second win in 5 years for a war-based movie 

Who is Steven Spielberg? 


Her win for Girl Interrupted marked only the second time a daughter/father won an oscar 

Who is Angelina Jolie?

Jon Voight (Coming Home 1978)


With a nomination for Gladiator, these two brothers made history as the first siblings to both receive Oscar Nominations. The other half did it in 1989 and passed away at the age of 23 in 1992. 

Who are Joaquin Phoenix and River Phoenix? 


2001 was the first year of the Best Animated Movie category. This movie took home the inaugural honors 

What is Shrek?


If you're an optimist in life, this movie is for you. This movie became the 2nd foreign language film to be nominated for Best Foreign Film and Best Picture in the same year

What is Life is Beautiful?


At this age, Hayley Joel Osmont became the 2nd youngest actor to receive a nomination for the Sixth Sense

What is 10 years old? 


Game of Thrones was not around yet but this foreign language film became the 3rd film to receive a nomination for Best Picture and Best Foreign Film

What is Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon


Denizel Washington (Training Day) became the African American actor to receive a nomination in leading and supporting. He was previously nominated for this 1989 historical war-drama about one of an African American regiment in the Civil War 

What is Glory?
