At its heart, 19th century nationalism motivated people to dream of being ruled by _____________________.
What is themselves? Or not ruled by outsiders/foreigners?
Conservatives in the 19th century think the French Revolution was ________________________.
What is terrible/scary/a mistake?
Liberalism was very much influenced by THIS EUROPEAN INTELLECTUAL MOVEMENT of the 18th century. It was focused on "reason" and sought to determine the best form of government. It championed the individual, liberty, and rights.
What was the Enlightenment?
Marx was very worried about the upper classes taking over society and "trapping" everyone in capitalism. These upper classes are called the _______________.
What is the bourgeoisie?
This is the Ism that Chartism is motivated by.
What is Liberalism (because workers wanted the right to vote).
In many ways, THIS EARLY 19TH CENTURY CONFLICT sparked nationalist sentiments across Europe for many people who wanted to rid themselves of French rule.
What were the Napoleonic Wars?
Conservatism was on full display at THIS PEACE CONFERENCE following the Napoleonic Wars.
What was the Congress of Vienna?
THIS TYPE of socialism failed in some way or never actually existed.
What is Utopian Socialism?
Marx believed that the "_________________ of the world would unite" and this collective action would remove the need for nations to exist.
Who are the workers?
This is the art movement that advocated for passion, emotion, and nostalgia for the human experience. It didn't celebrate the Enlightenment's focus on reason and it did not like the Industrial Revolution's effect on society.
What is Romanticism?
Out of all the nations that had nationalist revolutions in the early 19th century THIS ONE NATION succeeded in liberating itself from the Ottoman Empire, with the help of Great Britain.
What is Greece?
European conservatives developed THIS agreement in Austria after the Napoleonic Wars. They used it to suppress all of the revolutions in the early 19th century.
What is the Congress System / Alliance System?
The right to vote is a key liberal idea. In other words, folks in the 19th century advocated for ______________ manhood _______________.
What is Universal Manhood Suffrage?
According to Marx, "all history is the history of _____________________"
What is class conflict?
THIS is the Ism that the Anti Corn Law League complies with.
What is Liberalism (because of the desire for free trade).
THIS ART MOVEMENT often is connected to nationalism because of its passionate songs, patriotic motifs in visual art, and depiction of the shared histories that people of a nation recall.
What is romanticism?
HE was main conservative at the peace talks in Austria following the Napoleonic Wars; he was also the diplomat representing Austria.
Who was Klemmons Von Metternich?
Much of 19th century socialism aimed at reducing THIS. In other words, socialists wanted to reduce the ____________ gap.
What is income? Or gap between rich and poor?
THIS MAN coauthored the Communist Manifesto.
Who was Friedrich Engles?
He is the skilled foreign minister from France that enabled France to have a seat at the table at the peace talks following the Napoleonic Wars, even though France was the belligerent nation. This grace was not given to Germany following WWI at the Treaty of Versailles.
Who was Talleyrand?
What are Italy, Serbia, Poland, Ireland, Norway, Greece, Belgium, Croatia, Lithuania, Hungary?
THIS SET OF LAWS banned nationalist fraternities, removed liberal university professors, and expanded the censorship of the press in Prussia. They were aimed at quelling a growing sentiment for German unification.
What were the Karlsbad Decrees?
His idea of a phalanx was an apartment building that housed about 1600 people. Each person would have a job that suited them and the wealthy would live on the top floors.
Communists believe that the workers should own the __________________ of production. This means that property, including industrial holdings, should be publicaly owned.
What is "means"?
Due to Nationalism, Liberalism, and Conservatism combined, by 1870 THESE TWO NATIONS will be formed in Europe for the first time.
What are Italy and Germany?