What is Cam's real name?
Jennifer Jansen
V. To go very fast
What keeps us from floating up in the air? (Unit 12)
N. A place to keep bad people
What play were the kids doing at Eerie Elementary?
Peter Pan
Who is Mrs. Lane?
The bus driver
N. A shaking movement the body makes when someone is cold or scared
What is the special hole on top of a whale's head called? (Unit 8)
A blowhole
N. Something you remember
Who chose Sam to be the hall monitor at Eerie Elementary?
Mr. Nekobi
What band did the kids think Mr. Harrison was a part of?
The Beatles
V. To go down head first into the water
What does Trish use the prize money for? (Unit 9)
To build a ramp for wheelchairs at her school
V. To show how something is done
Who made the hole in the basement that Ella Mentry fell into?
Digger, the squirrel
What does Antonio keep in his pocket?
His lucky peanut butter and jelly sandwich
N. A serious or difficult responsibility
What does "3 tsp" mean? (Unit 11)
3 teaspoons
N. A strong feeling that something is correct or true
What two clues does Cam have about the stolen computers?
The footprints in the snow and the locked window
What was the license plate number of the blue car Cam saw in the morning?
Adj. Not strong and can be damaged easily
What is a plan for using your money called? (Unit 10)
A budget
Adj. not controlled by something
Where did they get the giant drill?
From Rent-A-Giant-Drill