A series of conflicts fought between the French First Republic /First French Empire under the First Consul and Emperor of the French, Napoleon Bonaparte, against a fluctuating array of European coalitions.
What are the Napoleonic
The revolution established Haiti as the first independent Black nation in the Americas.
What is the Haitian Revolution?
The country credited for starting the Industrial Revolution.
What is Great Britain.
The slogan "Blood and Iron" and a united Germany are most closely associated with
Who is Otto von Bismarck?
Opium war fought by 2 powers
What is China and Great Britain?
A set of laws implemented by Napoleon that standardized legal practices across France, promoting equality and stability.
What was the Napoleonic Code?
An ideological and political movement in the Thirteen Colonies in what was then British America.
What is the American Revolution?
What Eli Whitney invented that revolutionized the cotton industry
What is the cotton gin?
One political objective of both Otto von Bismarck and Giuseppe Garibaldi
What is nation Reunification?
A king that terrorized the Congolese people and made them slave labor
Who is King Leopold II?
The wars stemmed from the political turmoil following the French Revolution and Napoleon's ambition to expand French dominance across Europe.
Why did the Napoleonic Wars begin?
A period of major social upheaval that sought to completely change the relationship between the rulers and those they governed and to redefine the nature of political power. It ended with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte.
What is the French Revolution.
Improved quality of animals to produce more meat, milk, and woll
What is stock breeding?
19th century ideology that led to the unification of Germany and of Italy and the eventual breakup of Austria-Hungary and of the Ottoman Empire?
What is nationalism?
British Company in control of India
What is the East India Company?
What factors contributed to Napoleon's downfall?
A series of uprisings and movements throughout the late 18th and early 19th centuries, where colonies in Latin America fought for independence from European colonial powers, particularly Spain and Portugal.
What is the Latin American Revolution?
Water powered, automatically wove thread into cloth
What is the power loom?
A war between France and young Germany that lasted from July 1870 until France's surrender in February 1871; it marked the end of France's military domination and the beginning of Germany's military domination in Europe; resentment from the Franco-Prussian War led to the First World War
What is the Franco-Prussian War?
How low the Opium Wars lasted
What occurred during 1839-1842
What were some key battles of the Napoleonic Wars?
The founding document of the United States
What is the Declaration of Independence
Spun 8-10 threads at a time
What is the spinning jenny?
A historical region of northern Germany bordering the Baltic Sea that once served as a major European power
What was Prussia?
When Europeans wanted a piece of Africa
What was the scramble for Africa?