What is a big Number?
Any number greater than a trillion.
More than 75% of earth's surface is covered in this.
Whenever p is true, m is true. If p is false, what do we know about m?
How many holes are in the word polo?
What country could be used to answer this question. How are you feeling and what kind of care do u drive?
John has 10 candles and they each burn for 10 minutes. John lights all of his candles, how long do they burn for?
100 minutes.
Within 10 decimal points how many solar luminosities is the sun?
What country is north of South Korea?
North Korea
what is the least common answer to the question pick a number between 1 and 10?
What rough estimation is commonly used for the speed of light?
This countries' leader is known for having the smallest genitalia.
a bird
Why don't protons push each other away in an atom?
The nuclear force is stronger than the electromagnetic force at closer distances.
What animal can hold its breath underwater the longest?
How much was $1 USD worth in 1976