Traduisez cet ce verbe en français. Je/être
Je suis
Corrigez cette faute. Je suis faim.
J'ai faim.
Traduisez cet exemple. My books
Mes livres.
What is a verb? Define it and give an example of a verb in French.
A verb is an action word.
What is the name of the currency used in France?
The Euro
Conjuguez cet exemple. Ils/aller
Ils vont
Corrigez cette faute. Ils sont les cheveux bruns.
Ils ont les cheveux bruns.
Traduisez cet exemple. Our family.
Notre famille.
What do you add to a verb to make it negative? These two words are similar to 'do not' in English.
Name the colors on the French flag.
Blue, White, Red
Conjugez cet exemple. Nous/remplir
Nous remplissons
Corrigez cette faute. Mes amis aimons dansons.
Mes amis et moi aimons danser.
Her pen
Son stylo
What is a definite article? Say what it means in English and name them in French.
It is 'the' in English and they are le/la/les/l' in French.
When is Bastille Day?
July 14th
Conjugez cet exemple. Il/boire
Il boit
Corrigez cette faute. Je n'aime chante pas.
Je n'aime pas chanter.
Their friends
Leurs amis
What are indefinite articles? Name them in English and in French.
A/Some in English and Un/une/des in French.
Where were croissants invented? Name the European country.
Conjugez cet exemple. Mes amis/mettre
Mes amis mettent
Je n'ai pas des devoirs
Je n'ai pas de devoirs.
Your (formal) computers
Vos ordinateurs
What does it mean to conjugate a verb? Give a definition and example.
It means that you give a verb a time and place. Ex. Je vais (I go)
France is comparable in size to which state in the United States?