What year was Baker Boyer founded?
What is 1869
Rum, mint, lime, sugar, and club soda make what drink?
What is a mojito
Nobody puts ____ in a corner. Is a famous line from Dirty Dancing.
What is the nickname for Washington?
What is the evergreen state
What was the name of the handheld digital pet, created in Japan?
What are the names of the founders of Baker Boyer
Dr. Dorsey S. Baker and John F. Boyer
What is the difference between a screwdriver and a mimosa?
Screwdriver is made with vodka and a mimosa is made with champagne
Messy stations slow things down. Food doesn't go, orders pile up. Disaster. I'll make this easy to remember. Keep your station clear, _______
Or I will kill you!
What is the capital of Washington
What is Olympia
Lego was invented in which country?
What is Denmark?
Who in the Tri-cities branch has worked for Baker Boyer the longest?
How long?
Mitch Roach
Started Nov 3, 2003
What do you call vodka, Cointreau, lime, and cranberry juice
What is a cosmopolitan
"Death smiles at us all, but all a man can do is ____"
Smile back
What produce does Washington grow more of than any other state?
What are apples
What are the popular toys known as Weebles said to not do?
What is fall down
How many employees does Baker Boyer have?
What is 183
What ingredient is not commonly used in whiskey sour anymore?
What is egg white
"We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: _____"
Candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup
How many national parks are in Washington?
What is 3
What is the name of the main character in the Tomb Raider video games?
Which group won last year's Halloween costume contest?
What was their costume?
5th Floor
Escape from space
Gin, dry vermouth, and olives make what drink?
What is a Martini
"Hello. My name is ________. You killed my father. prepare to die"
Inigo Montoya
Columbia Calley, Yakima Valley, and Walla Walla are typically considered the three major regions for what product produced in Washington?
What is wine
Slinkey is the official toy of which state?
New York