I am the first social media that allows people to ______ photos onto the app and post photos, I was created as a college dating app by Mark Zuckerburg
Facebook; upload
This religious group prohibits use of most technology, unless it is green energy such as ____. Why do they do this?
Amish; solar, hydro, etcetera; They see the use of technology as man imposing his will on nature, it separates the community, or it promotes the individual.
Do you think that people buy expensive _____ (marcas) for the high ______ (calidad) or for S_______ S_______? Do you buy expensive clothing or accessories?
brands; quality; social status; full sentence answer
Give 3 examples of extra-curricular activities that are popular in the United States
at sign
I am used for posting photos and videos, I also have stories and features that I took from Snapchat and TikTok; the new ______ for the app will change how profiles look for 2025.
Instagram; update
Although this car or truck has technology that is _____, the safety of THIS type of car is debated because it does not require a driver and can sense my surroundings in order to stay on the road, but can make mistakes. (choose the worst option)
A. Outdated B. Cutting-edge C. User-friendly D. Capable of detecting humans in the road.
Tesla/self-driving cars; A
The automation of the workforce is taking over industries, including the customer service industry such as ______ or _______ (2 examples). What does this mean? Is this good or bad?
restaurants, IT, retail stores; robots doing humans jobs. opinion in full sentence
Education in the U.S. is _________ until age 16, but skipping classes or ________ ___ is not a good idea because you need a high school degree in order to go to the university or get any job. Why did you choose to stay in BAC even though it is not required by law?
I have filters that change the appearance of your face and am used to send photos and videos to your friends; if you do not save the photo in the chat, the photo is ______
Snapchat; deleted
I am created by Elon Musk to help with household chores, such as cleaning dishes, watching the kids, or getting packages. List one pro and one con in full sentences.
Tesla human robot assistant (or something like this); pro + con
Adidas and Nike are ______ _______ that are all over the world. To advertise their products, what are two methods they use? (ex: big sign on the road; starts with B). Sometimes, they use commercials on Disney or Nickelodeon to target the young audience. Is this ethical?
chain stores; tv ads, celebrities, billboards. give opinion in full sentence.
I am used to post funny, educational, political, or dancing videos. I will soon be banned in the U.S.; what does banned mean?
TikTok; to be made illegal, outlawed
The textbook has an article about how surgeons whose past time was _______ as children now have better hand-eye coordination and make less mistakes in operations. This hobby includes E-Sports or Fortnight. Do you think videogames are more beneficial or harmful for children; give 3 pros or cons depending on your answer
When the bank can count on you to pay them every month, they will give you a ____ ____, a small plastic square that represents money. Sometimes, young people will buy things they cannot ______ (they don’t have the money to buy). If the S _ _ of the products or G _ _ _ S is more than the money they have, people can go into debt or bankruptcy. How can you prevent this?
Credit card; afford; sum; goods; Be responsible, use self made or homemade items, do not buy brand names, etcetera.
In the U.S., a demerit is a penalty, or form of _________ that a student receives for _____ (using ChatGPT or copying), causing disruptions, or bullying. What do students receive in Spanish schools for behaving badly?
punishment; cheating; explain in English forms of punishment
gives directions (geographical positioning system)
I am an online platform to sell clothes and accessories; it allows people to reuse clothing instead of buying new from _____ _______ stores. Why might this be ethically important?
Depop; fast fashion; environmentally conscious, doesn’t support sweat shops or child labor from certain companies.
In Brazil, the government recently ____ ______ (aceso denagado) to Brazilians, who then had to ______ X (Twitter) from their phones, showing a trend in government regulation of social media. Social media can be ______ (herramientas) to use as a platform for democratic discussions, but also fake news. Is it acceptable for governments to monitor social media, or does it inhibit free speech? (3 sentence explanation).
denied access, delete, tools
give 3 sentence argument
This “effect” was named after a man who wrote Regrets on Parting with My Old Dressing Gown, which was about how buying one new thing will make you want to buy other things to match it. Explain how marketing uses this.
Diderot Effect; buying a shirt makes you want the whole outfit, buying furniture at IKEA makes you want the whole room, etc. \
what does AI stand for? Technology has changed education forever, for better or for worse. Assignments should be a _____ (desafio), but students can use ____ or ____ (two examples of technology used to complete school work) to make it easier. How can technology be used as a tool or how can it harm students?
Artificial Intelligence, challenge
Science Technology Engineering Mathematics