I am the first social media used for posting photos, I was created as a college dating app by Mark Zuckerburg
what type of energy am I allowed to use?
green energy: windmill, solar panel
I do not require a driver and can sense my surroundings in order to stay on the road.
Tesla/self driving car
online soccer, racing, fortnight, basketball, or other games
at sign
I am used for posting photos and videos, I also have stories and features that I took from Snapchat and TikTok
why can’t I use technology?
It is man imposing his will on nature, it separates the community, it promotes the individual
I look like the real animal and I am used to help the blind navigate their surroundings.
robotic dog
to put an app on your phone, computer, or laptop
I have filters that change the appearance of your face and am used to send photos and videos to your friends
I can use technology, have social media, and ride in cars when I am 18 during the _______ (german word).
I am created by Elon Musk to help with household chores, such as cleaning dishes, watching the kids, or getting packages.
Human robot/tesla robot assistant
when a video becomes very popular
I am used to post funny, educational, political, or dancing videos. People can get very famous very quickly on this app, leading to careers in music, acting, or dance.
I use _______ for transportation rather than cars.
horse and cart
I am a threat to jobs, but take orders, make food, and deliver food without the help of humans.
automated restaurant/robotic restaurant
to take an app off of your device
gives directions (geographical positioning system)
I am used to create connections in the professional world, people post accomplishments online in order to get a job.
I allowed to use technology when I am engaged in this activity _______
agriculture; farming
I am placed on the skin and used to detect high temperatures, irregular heartbeat, and sickness. I connect to the phone to alert of illness.
bluetooth medical patch
what does AI stand for?
Artificial Intelligence
Science Technology Engineering Mathematics