This playwrite wrote many plays and created many words and phrases.
Who is William Sakespear?
Album with a cross and the members of this band on it
Who is Guns N Roses?
The new version came out in 2021 with Lebron James instead of Michael Jordan
What is Space Jam?
Two player game that involves grids
What is Battleship?
In this Adam Sandler classic all Bobby Boucher wants to do is plat "foosball"
What is The Water boy?
During chess what is the piece that moves in shapes of Ls?
What is a Knight?
This Band has an album that depicts a baby swimming for a dollar
Who is Nirvana?
In the summer of 2024 Drake started beef with this fellow rapper
Who is Kendrick Lamar?
This game is a simulation of our life?
What is the game of life?
This movie shows a tale about an African Monoarchy
What is The Lion King?
This was the English King who created the church of England
Who is King Henry VIII?
This Metallica album features a graveyard of crosses
What is Master of Puppets?
This book series has 19 books and is Created by Jeff Kinney
What is Diary of a Wimpy Kid?
This popular game awards you points for big words
What is scrabble?
What is the name of the bandits in Home Alone
Who are the wet bandits?
This medievil artist is famous for losing an ear
Who is Van Gogh
In Michael Jackson's album thriller what color is his suit?
What is white?
Shoe brand that makes Donavan Mitchell's shoe
What is Adidas?
"I just started this train" is a quote you would here in a game involving dominos
What is Mexican train dominos?
How many dwarves are in the movie Snow White?
What is Seven?
This is one of the most famous composers, however he isn't a wolf and he is not part of a gang
Who is Wolfgang Mozart?
This band has a prism creating a rainbow on their best selling album.
Who is Pink floyd?
Fortnite has a banana skin named this
Who is peely?
In this board game you move through a land where you might have a sweet tooth
What is Candy Land?
What is the Name of the kidnapper of woody in Toy Story 2
Who is Al?