I want to know about all of the Benefits that Trilogy offers. Where can I get more information?
You can find everything you need in the Benefits Guide, which can be found in Workrede, Compass, and Personify
What site do you use to enroll in Benefits?
MyADP or ADP Mobile Solutions app.
How much money can you earn a year with Virgin Pulse?
You can earn up to 600 dollars a year.
What is the name of the continuing education platform?
Guild - This can be found in the Benefits Guide or Trilogyhs.guildeducation.com
Where in Workrede can you find Apprenticeship information?
Trilogy Career Pathways
How many weeks of paid maternity leave does an eligible employee get?
Trilogy provides up to six (6) weeks of paid leave to any eligible employee who becomes a parent through birth or adoption, to allow the employee time to bond with the new child.
TRUE OR FALSE? Employees can go into ADP and change their Benefits Elections whenever they want.
FALSE. Retro Changes are not allowed outside of Open Enrollment or Qualifying Life Events. Please direct employees to the BRC if they have more questions.
Where in Personify can you see how many points you have earned?
On the Home screen under Rewards
What is the LSA?
Lifestyle Spending Account
Who can help you with almost any benefit or healthcare issues?
BRC, Benefits Resource Center
Monday - Friday 8am - 9pm EST
Where can I view my hours?
Smartlinxgo app
How do I request time off?
Purple request form found by the timeclock.
You should also request time off through Smartlinx Go.
This app is a personalized well-being and rewards platform that encourages you to make healthier decisions and guides you on your own well-being journey.
Personify Health
Where can I see my attendance points?
You can see these in Smartlinx Go and also by the timeclock?
How to access and use the LSA?
You can access your LSA by going to rewards in Personify > click the small arrow next to Thrive@ Trilogy Well-being Program and click the myhealth.bankofamerica.com link Or just go to myhealth.bankofamerica.com