School Counselor's Job
I Messages
All About Me
Moving on to 2nd Grade

What is your school counselor's name?

Mrs Lee


What is an I-message you would use in this situation?

Someone new moved into your neighborhood, and now your best friend only wants to play with them.

I feel ____________ when _________________


You stayed up late and are really tired.  

What coping strategy would you use?

Did you share a strategy that works for you and helps give you energy? If so, points for you!


What is something very special and unique about you?

Did you share something that makes you "you"?

If so, points for you!


What is something you learned in 1st grade?

Did you share something you learned this school year?


My school counselor's room is:

A. on the roof

B. In the media center

C. down the Kindergarten/5th grade hallway


What is an I-message you would use in this situation?

Someone at your table keeps talking to you and bumping the table

I feel ____________when _________________


Your friend takes the ball you were playing with at recess.

What is a coping strategy you could use?

Did you share a strategy that works for you and helps you calm down? If so, points for you!


What is one reason to work together in team?

Did you mention one of these? If so, points for you!


You can learn from other people

You can learn more about yourself

You can bring all your ideas together to create something even better than any of you could on your own.


What is something you look forward to in 2nd grade?

Did you share something you look forward to?  If so, points for you!


Which is NOT part of a school counselor's role?

1. Teach in the classroom

2. Meet with individual students

3. Meet with small groups of students

4. Take care of the cats outside.


What is an I-message you would use in this situation?

You have a stuffed animal that you really like, and your big sister keeps taking it.

Did you say?

I feel ___________ when __________

If so, bonus points for you ;)


You are waiting for your sister to get ready for school and she is taking soooo long!

What is a coping strategy you could use?

Did you share a strategy that works for you and helps you calm down? If so, points for you!


What is something you should NOT do when solving a problem with a friend?

1) Share your perspective with an "I feel" statement

2) Tell your friend you are mad right away so you don't forget.

3) Listen to your friend's perspective

4) Take time to calm down


What is something kind you will do for someone else?

If you named something kind you will do, you earned points!


What is Mrs. Lee's favorite coping strategy to use to calm down?

Deep breathing-5 finger breathing


What is an I-message you would use in this situation?

A classmate tells you during art time that your picture is ugly.

Did you say:

I feel______

when ___________

If so, bonus points for you ;)


You are working really hard on math, but you are starting to get frustrated because it is hard.

What is a coping strategy you could us?

Did you share a strategy that works for you? If so, points for you!


If I have a funny tummy feeling I should...

If your response included telling an adult or one of your support people you got a point!


What is something kind someone has done for you?

Did you name something kind that someone did for you?  If so, points for you!


Think all the way back to the beginning of the school year.  What is Mrs. Lee's favorite food?



What is an I-message you would use in this situation?

It's time to say goodbye to your grandparents after a visit.

Did you say:

I feel ____________when ______________

If so, bonus points for you :)


You are going to your best friend's house tomorrow, and it's hard to think about anything else.

What is a positive self talk statement you could use?

Did you share a positive self talk statement you could say to yourself to help you concentrate?

If so, points for you ;)


What is one thing you are really good at?

Did you name something you are good at?  Points for you if you did ;)


What advice would you give to future 1st graders for next year?

Did you share some advice for upcoming 1st graders?  If so, points for you!