This Disney princess has a pet tiger named Rajah.
"Who is" Jasmine?
What has a head and tail but not a body?
"What is" a coin?
I am one of the kids' pastors. Sometimes, I preach during sermons, Monday meetings, or 'disciples' sessions.
"Who is" Teacher Willson?
I am the fastest land animal.
Adam and Eve were the first two people in this special garden.
"What is" the Garden of Eden?
In Finding Nemo, this forgetful blue fish helps Marlin find his son.
"Who is" Dory?
Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?
"What is" the letter C?
Last week (during disciples), we studied about.. (character)
"Who is" God the Magnificent Creator?
I am a planet closest to the sun.
"What is" Mercury
Eve was made from this part of Adam’s body.
"What is" his rib?
In Peter Pan, this fairy is Peter’s best friend.
"Who is" Tinkerbell?
What kind of room has no walls, doors or windows?
"What is" Mushroom?
People sometimes misspell my name. It's an S, not a C.
How many days are there in a year?
"How many is" 365 days?
This sneaky animal tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.
"What is" a snake?
Zootopia takes place in a city where animals live together. The main character, Judy Hopps, is this type of animal.
What building has the most stories?
"What is" Library?
In what cinema do we usually hold our Sunday Kids Service?
I am a shape with 7 sides.
After eating the fruit, Adam and Eve covered themselves with these big green leaves.
"What are" fig leaves?
In Moana, this demigod sings "You’re Welcome."
"Who is" Maui?
What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast?
"What is" lunch and dinner?
We are the 2 MVMT Kid's administration teacher.
"Who are" Janice, Nicole, Stephanie.
We are the 7 continents in the world.
Adam and Eve’s first two sons were named Cain and Abel. This was the name of their third son.
"Who is" Seth