These tell the actors what to do and how to do it.
stage directions
This type of text structure would include more than one thing and describe how the things are similar and different.
compare and contrast
They tried to avoid a public quarrel, but the disagreement was too intense. (quarrel)
A survivalist trying to survive in the wilderness.
Individual vs nature
1. the distance from one extreme to another.
2. Open land used for grazing.
When characters/actors speak in a drama, it is written as _____________.
This type of text structure includes a concept and the explanation of that concept.
He tried to pantomime his need for water, as he didn't speak the language. (pantomime)
act out
AI takes over the world and starts attacking people.
Individual vs. technology
1. another name for a student
2. The dark circle in the center of your eye
True or false: In a play, the description of the stage is provided.
This type of text structure addresses an issue and how one should fix the issue.
problem and solution
The doctor's authoritative diagnosis put the patient's anxieties at ease. (authoritative)
able to be trusted, or commanding/ self-confident
Set in a dystopian novel where the government has total control over the people.
Individual vs. society
1. To mislead or trick for one's own advantage
2. A steep hill with a flat top.
Plays are organized into _________and ___________.
Acts and scenes
Text structure that explains the relationships between events or actions.
cause and effect
An irresponsible driver caused a multi-car pileup on the highway. (irresponsible)
reckless, not making good choices
A family with 17 kids and the kids don't share interests. They often play pranks on one another.
Individual vs. individual
1. A large, complicated task, sometimes assigned in school after a unit has been completed.
2. To make your voice louder than normal.
(pronounced differently)
True or false: Short stories and dramas BOTH have characters that engage in dialogue.
The generalization text structure involves making broad statements or drawing overall conclusions about something. What is a signal word that you might see in this text structure.
possible answers: all, most, usually, often, never
The train's high-speed rail system significantly improved travel efficiency. (efficiency)
working well with little to no wasted effort
A young boy is failing his class and is torn between cheating and risking being kicked off the basketball team,
Individual vs. self
1. to leave your responsibility of commitment.
2. Dry land with little vegetation
(pronounced differently)