Which employee has been at TCC the longest?
When was Tennyson Center founded as an orphanage?
Who was the CEO of TCC immediately before Mindy?
James Young
Who created the bulletin board on the first floor by the elevator?
How many times has Vanessa Ross resigned?
Twice. It never sticks.
What is the name above the door in Classroom 205?
Frederick W. and Edna D. Henry
Which student has been at TCC the longest?
Who was the CEO directly AFTER Bob Cooper
Rod Witte
Which certificate in the first floor case is the biggest and brightest?
Cognia School Accreditation
Who was the special education director between Djuana and Djuana
Kim Cini
Will also accept Becky P.
Who is Classroom 206 dedicated to?
Helen Mohorter
Put these staff in order from the longest tenure to the least.
Ian Long Karen Davis
Renee Chavez Brandon Edwards
Brandon, Karen, Ian, Renee
How many different "classes" has Karen Davis taught at TCC?
MS Math, MS Science, HS Aspen
What color is the lei on the picture of Al on the nameplate outside 101?
Which role did Joe hold between residential and his current role in residential?
Training Manager, TCI trainer
A person who never made mistakes never tried anything new. Who said this?
Albert Einstein
Name 3 people with a license in Physical Education.
Mary Ann, Karen, Al
Which Chief used to be a kindergarten teacher?
Sarah Linnell
If you need to pick up a paycheck, what color would you look for?
Name a YTC who resigned and came back.
Who donated the money to makeover Classroom 203?
Tim and Penny Burke
Sweetheart, whose name is above the library?
Dave and Linda Darling
Find 3 people who still work at TCC in the picture on page 109
Brandon Edwards
Ian Long
Karen Davis
You'll never find Djuana unless I show you
What color is the rectangle on the stairway landing between the first and second floors?
Name a current student who was successfully discharged and then re-referred.