What is a nuclear family?
This type of family consists of parents and their biological or adopted children living together.
Who is the father?
Traditionally, this person was considered the primary provider in many cultures.
What is friendship?
This term describes a close relationship based on trust and mutual support.
What is Thanksgiving?
Families in the U.S. often gather for a big meal on this November holiday.
What is divorce?
The legal separation of parents, which can have a major impact on children, is called this.
What is an extended family?
This family structure includes multiple generations living in one household.
Who are grandparents?
These family members often help care for grandchildren and pass down traditions.
What is social isolation?
Too much time spent on social media and not enough in-person interaction can cause this.
What is Hanukkah?
This Jewish holiday is celebrated for eight nights with candles and gifts.
What is single-person households?
a living arrangement where an individual resides alone without any other family members
What is a blended family?
This type of family forms when two separate families merge due to remarriage.
What is being the head of the family?
In some cultures, the oldest child is expected to take on this role if the parents are unable to.
What is peer pressure?
A group of friends that influence a person’s decisions, sometimes negatively, is called this.
What are folktales or storytelling?
In many cultures, family stories and lessons are passed down through this oral tradition.
What is the boomerang generation?
Rising housing and education costs have led many young adults to move back in with their parents, a phenomenon known as this.
What is a foster family?
In this type of family, children live with caregivers who are not their biological parents, often temporarily.
What is an egalitarian family structure?
a family structure in which power and decision-making are shared equally among all family members, regardless of gender or age
What is social contagion?
This psychological phenomenon causes people to unconsciously adopt the behaviors of those around them.
What is family mediation?
Some families use this method to solve conflicts, where members come together to discuss problems openly.
What is parental leave?
Many workplaces now offer this benefit to help parents balance work and childcare responsibilities.
What is a communal family?
A group of people living together by choice, sharing responsibilities and resources, is called this type of family.
What is domestic labor?
This concept describes unpaid work done at home, such as cooking, cleaning, and childcare, which is often undervalued in society.
What is empathy?
The ability to understand and share the feelings of others is called this important social skill.
What is the International Day of Families?
This worldwide celebration highlights the importance of family and is observed annually on May 15th.
What is the work-from-home culture?
The increasing number of people working remotely has changed family life, creating both benefits and challenges, often referred to as this new reality.