Category of fallacies where a person makes assumptions that are not justified or necessary.
What is Fallacies of Presumption
Category of fallacies where a person uses unclear language to muddy the argument.
What is Fallacies of Clarity
A category of fallacies where the points of the argument don’t relate to the issue at hand.
What is Fallacies of Relevance
A class/genus of presumption in which arguments misuse empirical data or don’t follow inductive reasoning.
What is Fallacies of Induction
Ad populum
What is "to/against the people"
A subgroup of the fallacies of relevance; these arguments attempt to sway the opinions of people by convincing them to feel emotions such as pity, anger, fear, joy, peer pressure, intimidation, etc.
What is Appeals to Emotion
A subgroup of the fallacies of relevance. These arguments make a more subtle appeal to emotion, but include types of proofs that are irrelevant to the case at hand.
What is Red Herrings
A class/genus of presumption in which arguments contain hidden assumptions that make them unreasonable.
What is Fallacies of Presupposition
Subgroup of fallacies of relevance that distract by focusing on the source of the argument rather than the issue at hand.
What is Ad Fontem Arguments
Ad Fontem
What is "to/against the source"
Arguments that distract by making the audience want to be part of the crowd or one of the “common people.” To make up for lack of evidence and sound reason, this argument appeals to the emotions of the crowd, the desire to be part of the majority, or the interests of the “common man.”
What is Mob Appeal: Argumentum Ad Populum
Arguments that distract by making the audience afraid of the consequences of disagreeing with the speaker. This fallacy seeks to arouse a fear of harm that is not realistic or related to the issue at hand.
What is Appeal to Fear/Force: Argumentum Ad Baculum
Arguments that distract by making the audience feel sorry for the speaker or someone on behalf of whom the speaker is arguing. This fallacy appeals to our sense of compassion.
What is Appeal to Pity: Argumentum Ad Misericordiam
Arguments that distract by making a person want to feel “special.” This is an emotional appeal to those with discriminating tastes.
What is Snob Appeal
Non sequitur
What is "does not follow"
Arguments that claim that since a proposition cannot be disproven, it must therefore be true or likely.
What is Appeal to Ignorance
Arguments that attempt to disprove an opponent’s position by presenting it in an unfair, inaccurate light.
What is Straw Man Fallacy
Arguments that are based on hidden assumptions that a collective whole determines that all its parts must be like the whole.
What is Fallacy of Division
Arguments that assume the very thing that one is trying to prove.
What is Begging the Question
Ad Baculum
What is "to/against the stick"
Arguments based on a hidden assumption that the properties of the whole will be the same as the properties of the parts.
What is Fallacy of Composition
Arguments that assume the correct answer is always the middle ground or a compromise between two extremes.
What is Fallacy of Moderation
Arguments that use numbers or statistics in a way that is too precise to be justified by the situation.
What is Fake Precision
Arguments that state an idea should be discredited simply because of its source or origin.