Place Value
Comparing/Number Forms
Multiplicative Comparisons
Rounding Numbers

Which number has a 5 with a value 10 times the value of the 5 in 3,257?

  • 1,587
  • 2,495
  • 3,050
  • 5,246

A. 1,587


The size of a property owner’s land is 9,285 feet squared (sq ft).

If the owner purchases an additional 3,568 sq ft of property, what is the total area of the property owner’s land?

  • 12,743 sq ft
  • 12,853 sq ft
  • 5,717 sq ft
  • 6,323 sq ft

B. 12,853 sq ft


What number is thirty eight thousand fifty nine?

  • 3,859
  • 38,059
  • 308,590
  • 380,509

B. 38,059


Henry and Riley have pieces of candy. Henry has 7 pieces of candy. The number of pieces of candy that Riley has can be represented by the expression 3×7.

Which statement is true? 

  • Riley has 3 more pieces of candy than Henry.
  • Henry has 3 more pieces of candy than Riley.
  • Riley has 3 times as many pieces of candy as Henry.
  • Henry has 3 times as many pieces of candy as Riley.

C. Riley has 3 times as many pieces of candy as Henry.


What is 937 rounded to the nearest hundred, and why?

  • 900; 937 is closer to 900 than 1,000
  • 900; 937 is closer to 900 than 950 on the number line.
  • 950; 937 is closer to 950 than 900 on the number line.
  • 1,000; 937 is closer to 1,000 than 900 on the number line.

A. 900; 937 is closer to 900 than 1,000


How does the value of the 3 in 53,927 compare to the value of the 3 in 87,135?

  • It is 300 times as much.
  • It is 100 times as much.
  • It is 30 times as much.
  • It is 10 times as much.

B. It is 100 times as much.


The table shows the number of rushing yards a football player gained in two different seasons.

How many more rushing yards did the football player gain in 2013 than in 2012?

  • 2,270 rushing yards
  • 2,160 rushing yards
  • 296 rushing yards
  • 206 rushing yards

C. 296 rushing Yards


How would 6,148 be written in expanded form?

  • 6,000+40+10+8
  • 6,000+100+80+4
  • 6,000+100+40+8
  • 6,000+400+10+8

C. 6,000+100+40+8


Which problem can be solved using the equation 8×2=16?

  • Eric is 8 years old. Eric’s sister is 2 times older than he is. How old is Eric’s sister?
  • Jada has 8 pencils. Then she buys 2 more pencils. How many pencils does Jada now have?
  • Mark has 16 eggs. He uses 8 eggs to make his breakfast. How many eggs does Mark have now?
  • Zoe has 8 balloons. If she shares them equally with 2 of her friends, how many balloons will each person get?

A. Eric is 8 years old. Eric’s sister is 2 times older than he is. How old is Eric’s sister?


What is 23,426 rounded to the nearest  ten?

  • 23,400
  • 23,420
  • 23,430
  • 23,500

C. 23,430


Which statement is correct?

  • The value of the 3 in 6,534 is the same as the value of the 3 in 653.
  • The value of the 5 in 6,675 is the same as the value of the 5 in 5,766.
  • The value of the 7 in 2,376 is 10 times the value of the 7 in 8,817.
  • The value of the 9 in 4,729 is 10 times the value of the 9 in 492.

C. The value of the 7 in 2,376 is 10 times the value of the 7 in 8,817.


Dennis owns a car and a truck. The weight of his car is 2,139 pounds. The weight of his truck is 8,525 pounds.

What is the total weight of Dennis’s car and truck?

  • 6,414 pounds
  • 6,386 pounds
  • 10,754 pounds
  • 10,664 pounds

D. 10,664 pounds


Which comparison is correct?

  • 2,018>2,081
  • 10,365<10,721
  • 101,129>102,010 
  • 945,620<799,562

B. 10,365<10,721


Chanel purchases 5 T-shirts, each for the same price. If she pays $45 for the T-shirts, which expression can be used to find the value of each T-shirt?

  • 5−45
  • 5÷45
  • 45−5
  • 45÷5

D. 45÷5


What is 76,487rounded to the nearest thousand?

  • 70,000
  • 76,000
  • 77,000
  • 80,000

B. 76,000


How many times greater is the value of the 2 in 628,730 than the value of the 2 in 872,590?

  • 10 times greater
  • 100 times greater
  • 1,000 times greater
  • 100,000 times greater

A. 10 times greater


A fishing company caught 4,380 pounds of fish in January. In February, the fishing company caught 2,715 pounds of fish.

How many more pounds of fish were caught in January than in February?

  • 6,095 pounds of fish
  • 7,095 pounds of fish
  • 1,665 pounds of fish
  • 1,465 pounds of fish

C. 1,665 pounds of fish


Four students are instructed to make a comparison between two numbers of their choice. The table shows the responses of the four students.

Which student’s comparison is correct?

  • Andre
  • Brynn
  • Cedric
  • Danielle

B. Brynn


Amanda buys a wallet and a pair of shoes. The cost of the pair of shoes is 3 times the cost of the wallet.

What is the cost of the wallet if the pair of shoes costs $24?

  • $8
  • $18
  • $24
  • $72

A. $8


Which is a correct approach to rounding 8,478 to the nearest hundred?

  • Since 78 is less than 80, then 8,478 should be rounded to 8,470.
  • Since 78 is closer to 80 than to 70, then 8,478 should be rounded to 8,480. 
  • Since 478 is less than 500, then 8,478 should be rounded to 8,400.
  • Since 478 is closer to 500 than to 400, then 8,478 should be rounded to 8,500.

D. Since 478 is closer to 500 than to 400, then 8,478 should be rounded to 8,500.


In which numbers is the digit 4 ten times larger than the digit 4 in the number 384?

Select two (2) that apply.

  • 842
  • 954
  • 1,469
  • 4,216
  • 6,941

A. 842

E. 6,941


Taylor wants to buy a new boat. She is comparing the costs of a speed boat and a fishing boat. The cost of the speed boat is $10,245. The cost of the fishing boat is $6,769.

How much more is the cost of the speed boat than the cost of the fishing boat?

  • $3,476
  • $3,576
  • $17,014
  • $16,904

A. $3,476


What is the correct expanded form of the number 4,825?

  • 400+800+2+5
  • 400+800+20+5
  • 4,000+800+2+5
  • 4,000+800+20+5

D. 4,000+800+20+5


Owen has 9 pencils. Nastia has 6 times as many pencils as Owen.

How many pencils does Nastia have?

  • 3 pencils
  • 15 pencils
  • 48 pencils
  • 54 pencils

D. 54 pencils


When rounded to the nearest  hundred, which numbers will round to 54,000? 

Select two (2) that apply.

  • 53,919
  • 53,951
  • 54,018
  • 54,087
  • 54,122

B. 53,951

C. 54,018
