What's your name?
My name is...
My name's...
Do you study English?
Yes, I study English
No, I don't study English
Hello, how are you?
What is your response to that greeting?
I'm... and you?
Can you Speak Spanish?
Give me a positive and a negative answer
Yes, I can...
No, I cannot...
Why are you in the states?
I am in the states because...
Where are you from?
I am from...
I'm from...
Do you go to bed early?
Yes, I...
No, I don't...
Hey, How's everything?
What is your answer?
Everything is...
1. I can...
2. I cannot...
What is the girl in the picture doing?
She is running in a park
She is jogging (trotando)
How old are you and who do you live with?
I am... years old and I live with ...
What do you do?
I'm a...
I work as a...
You can answer to these greetings and farewells with just one word,
1. Hello! Nice to see you again
2. It's been nice talking to you
what is that word?
Complete the activity:
1. Yes, they can...
They can...
2. he can't...
He can't fly...
3. No, he can't...
He can't...
4. Yes he can...
He can...
What are you good at?
I am good at...
What's your favorite thing to do in your free time?
My favorite thing to do in my free time is...
1. to + verb
2. verb + ing
Look at the picture and answer:
Does he feel good?
Does he wake up late?
Does he have a window in his room?
1. Yes, he feelS
2. No, he doesn't...
No, he wakes up...
3. Yes, He has...
How do you respond to:
1. How's it going?
2. Keep in touch
1. It's going... (good bad, great)
2. Perfect, bye.
Let's agree on a date.
No question here, you have 400 free for being risky (arriesgado)
Why are you talking to him?
Complete the answer with: (because/he/my/boss)
I am talking to him because he is my boss