The female swallowed her fertilized eggs and incubated her young in her stomach for about six weeks
The Australian gastric brooding frog
This scriptures in Ecclesiastes indicate Rivers and springs are fed by water that has evaporated from the oceans and other sources and then has fallen back to earth as rain, snow, or hail
Ecclesiastes 1:7;
About 300 years before Jesus’ day, Jewish scholars began to translate the Hebrew Scriptures into another language—this translation known as.
Greek Septuagint
War on a large scale sign is found in this Revelation
Revelation 6:4
An ancestor of King Saul; listed as son of Becorath and father of Abiel; of the tribe of Benjamin.
Robotics engineers are developing equipment to help doctors operate in tight spaces in the body using minimally invasive surgical techniques based on this animal
The mountains rise and fall, and today’s mountains were once under the ocean are found at this Psalm
Psalm 104:6, 8
About 300 years after the Bible was completed, religious scholar Jerome produced a Latin translation of the Bible, which eventually came to be the
Latin Vulgate
Famine is found in Matthew
Matthew 24:7
Second-named son of Horite Sheik Ezer and grandson or descendant of Seir the Horite
IN ORDER to reduce mankind’s dependence on fossil fuels, scientists are eager to improve the light-harvesting efficiency of solar collectors based on this insects wings
The Law given to the nation of Israel included regulations for washing after touching a dead body, quarantining those with infectious disease, and disposing of human waste safely is found at Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy 23:13
In England in the late 14th century, he began the process of breaking free from the clutches of a dead language by producing the Bible in English, a language that people in his land could actually understand.
John Wycliffe
Great earthquakes
Matthew 24:----
A chief tax collector at Jericho who became one of Christ’s disciples. As such an official
This small berry found across Africa, exhibits the most intense blue color ever seen in a plant. Yet it has no blue pigment
Pollia condensata plant
The earth is suspended in empty space is found in Job
Job 26:7
His printing methods opened the way for Bible scholars to produce and distribute new versions of the Bible in many different living languages throughout Europe.
Johannes Gutenberg
Increase of crime found in Matthew
Matthew 24:12.
An Ahohite warrior of David
The animal's tail may help engineers design more-agile robotic vehicles that can be used to search for survivors in the aftermath of an earthquake or other catastrophe.
The Agama Lizard
The universe is governed day-to-day by rational natural laws in this chapter of Jeremiah
Jeremiah 33:25
In some Bibles this book is often included however, this books is not accepted into the Jewish canon, and it is noteworthy that the Bible says that the Jews were the ones who were “entrusted with the sacred pronouncements of God.
Noteworthy displays of religious hypocrisy located in 2 Timothy
2 Timothy 3:5
The sixth son of Jacob’s wife Leah. Being the less-loved wife, Leah was especially pleased about the birth of the boy.