Name one thing your brain does.
Think, feel, remember. Tells your body parts what to do.
Which sense does your nose give you?
List some things muscles do?
Help all your body parts move. Help your bones stay in place. Help you stand straight. Helps you stay warm.
What is a skeleton?
A skeleton is your body's frame.
What does your stomach do?
Breaks food into smaller pieces.
Name all 5 senses.
Touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste.
Which muscle pumps blood?
The heart.
What jobs do bones have?
They help you move.
They protect body parts.
What part of the air do you breathe?
What part of your body gives the sense of touch?
What are automatic muscles and name one.
Automatic muscles are muscles that work on its own at all times. Brain, heart, lungs, stomach.
Which bones protect your lungs and heart and which bones protect your brain?
Ribs protect lungs and heart. Skull protects your brain.
What body part takes oxygen from the air?
Why are most of your ear parts inside your head?
To protect them.
What does stretch mean?
To reach out with your muscles
What is a joint?
Where 2 bones meet.
Name one thing your skin does.
Your body's cover. Keeps your other parts together. Protects your body. Helps keep you from getting too hot or too cold.
Which parts of your tongue tastes sour, sweet, and bitter things.
sides taste sour, tip taste sweet, back taste bitter.
What does exercise mean and why is it important to stretch before you exercise?
Exercise is the movement of your body. It is important to stretch so you can warm up your muscles and it helps prevent injuries.
What is calcium?
Calcium is a mineral that makes your bones and teeth strong.