What is 3 + 4 equal to?
What is 7?
What is 10 - 3 equal to?
What is 7 ?
Look at the Jeopardy Graphs Round 1 that you are given.
How many people said that Comedy was their favorite type of movie?
What is 4 people?
What 2-D shape has 0 sides and is round?
What is a circle?
If 6 + 2 = 8, what is the other equation 2+ Blank = Blank?
What is 2 + 6 = 8 ?
What is 8 + 7 equal to?
What is 15.
What is 15 - 10 equal to?
What is 5?
Look at the Jeopardy Graphs Round 1 that you are given.
How many people said that Romance was their favorite type of movie?
What is 6 people?
What 2-D shape has 4 sides that are equal in length and has 4 vertices.
What is a square?
If 7 + 8 = 15, what does 8 + 7 equal?
What is 15?
What is the sum of 12 and 4?
What is 16?
What is the difference between 17 and 9?
What is 8?
Look at the Jeopardy Graphs Round 1 that you are given.
How many total people said that either Comedy or Action was their favorite type of movie?
What is 9 people?
This 2-D shape can be made by putting two squares next to each other.
What is a rectangle?
12 - 7 = 5. What does 12 - 5 equal?
What is 7?
What is the sum of 8, 4, and 5?
What is 17?
There are 20 cookies in a jar. You eat 8 of them. How many cookies are left?
What are 12 cookies?
Look at the Jeopardy Graphs Round 1 that you are given.
How many more people said that Romance was their favorite type of movie than Drama?
What is 5 more people?
This 3-D shape would be the best way to describe the shape of a can.
What is a cylinder?
12 + 3 = 15
What are two other equations in this fact family?
What is any two of
3 + 12 = 15
15 - 12 = 3
15 - 3 = 12
A gym teacher has 3 soccer balls, 10 basketballs, and 5 baseballs. How many balls in total does the teacher have?
What is 18 balls?
There were 20 birds at the zoo. 5 of them fly away, then 8 of the ducks swim away. How many birds are left?
What is 7 birds?
Look at the Jeopardy Graphs Round 1 that you are given.
How many total people said that Comedy, Romance, or Action was their favorite type of movie?
What is 15 people?
This 3-D shape has 6 faces that are all squares.
What is a cube?
3+5 = 8.
What three other equations are in this fact family?
What is 5 + 3 = 8
8 - 5 = 3 and 8-3 = 5 ?