What tool is used to measure the length?
A ruler
What science skill do we use to see how long or heavy something is?
What can you see in the day sky?
sun, clouds, moon
Name at least 4 main parts of a plant.
Roots, stem, leaves, flower, fruit, seeds
What is a habitat?
it's where animals and plants live
What tool do we use to measure liquids?
a measuring cup, beaker, graduated cylinder
What science skill do we use to tell how two things are the same or different?
What can you see in the night sky?
stars, moon, clouds
What tool do we use to make things look bigger?
a hand lens, magnifying glass
What science skill do we use when we put things in different groups?
How many planets are there?
Name 2 different body parts animals have to protect themselves.
shell, claws, teeth, spikes
What tool do we use to see how heavy something is?
a balance, scale
What science skill do we use when we look at something to study it?
Where is the sun in the early morning sky?
Low close to the horizon.
What 5 things does a plant need to be healthy?
Sunlight, water, air, space, and nutrients
What is a predator of sea turtles that we studied this year?
What instrument is used to tell about temperature?
a thermometer
What two science words do we use to explain how something effects something else?
because, so
Why does it look like the sun moves across the sky?
The Earth is spinning.
What continent has no plants?
What 4 things do all animals need?
air, water, food, and shelter