Complaints in the Wilderness
Near the Promised Land
Rebellion Against Moses
The Bronze Serpent
God’s Faithfulness

 What food did God provide for the Israelites in the wilderness? (Numbers 11:7-9)



Which two spies trusted God and encouraged the Israelites to also trust in God and enter the land? (Numbers 14:6-9)

Joshua and Caleb


Who was the leader of the rebellion against Moses and Aaron? (Numbers 16:1-3)



 Why did God send fiery serpents among the Israelites? (Numbers 21:5-6)

They complained against God and Moses


Who was the king that wanted Balaam to curse Israel? (Numbers 22:5-6)

King Balak


What did the Israelites complain about wanting? (Numbers 11:4-6, 31-32)



 What did most of the spies say about the people in the Promised Land? (Numbers 13:31-33)

They were giants and way too strong to defeat


Why did the people rebel against Moses?

(Numbers 16:8-10)

They said that Moses and Aaron were not the only special people chosen by God to lead. They accused Moses of thinking he was better than anyone else


What did the people have to do to be healed from the snake bites? (Numbers 21:8-9)

Look at the bronze serpent  


What did Balaam say when asked to curse Israel? (Numbers 22:38)

He could only say what God told him to say


What happened when the Israelites ate the quail greedily? (Numbers 11)

God struck them with a plague

Numbers 11:33-34


What was the punishment for the Israelites refusing to trust God and enter the land? (Numbers 14)

They had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years

Numbers 14:34


How did God punish Korah and his followers? (Numbers 16)

The earth opened and swallowed them.

Numbers 16:31-33


Who made the bronze serpent? (Numbers 21)


Numbers 21:9


What did Balaam do instead of cursing Israel? (Numbers 24)

He blessed Israel 

Numbers 24:10


Who complained against Moses in Numbers 12? 

Miriam and Aaron

Numbers 12:1-2


Did the people accept the punishment God gave them for failing to trust in God about the Promised land? What did they try to do?(Numbers 14).

No, they tried to take the city even though the Lord was not with them. But the inhabitants of the land attacked them and drove them back

Numbers 14:44–45


How did people react to the punishment of the people who rebelled against Moses? (Numbers 16)

They were angry at Moses for their death

Numbers 16:41


What lesson did the Israelites learn from the bronze serpent? (Numbers 21)

They had to trust God’s way to be saved

Numbers 21:9


Could Balaam curse Israel if he really wanted to? Why or why not? (Numbers 22)

No, God said, “You shall not go with them. You shall not curse the people, for they are blessed..” The Israelites were favored by God. Therefore, no one could curse them.

Numbers 22:12


How was Miriam punished for speaking against Moses? (Numbers 12)

She was struck with leprosy

Numbers 12:9-10


When the Israelites were afraid to enter the Promised Land, Joshua and Caleb encouraged them by reminding them of two important truths about God and their enemies. What were these two truths? (Numbers 14)

They reminded the Israelites that 1. God was with them and would give them the land, and 2. their enemies had no real protection because God had removed it. The Israelites had no reason to fear if they trusted in God's promise.

Numbers 14:8-9


 How did God show that Aaron was His chosen high priest? (Numbers 17)

Aaron’s staff budded and produced almonds

Numbers 17:5-8


In the wilderness, the Israelites were saved from death by looking at the bronze serpent. How does this point to Jesus?

(Numbers 21, John 3)

 Just as the bronze serpent was lifted up for the Israelites to look at and be saved, Jesus was lifted up on the cross so that all who believe in Him will have eternal life.

Numbers 21:9, John 3:14-15


What was one of Balaam’s blessings that showed God’s protection over Israel? (Numbers 23)

(Numbers 23:10 – "Who can count the dust of Jacob or number the fourth part of Israel?"

Numbers 23:21 – “The Lord their God is with them, and the shout of a king is among them.”

Numbers 23:23 – “For there is no enchantment against Jacob, no divination against Israel.”

Numbers 24:17 – "I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near: a star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel."
