These colors cannot be created.
What are prime colors?
Two primary colors mixed together.
What is a secondary color?
This is the hairs ability to hold and absorb moisture.
What is porosity?
This is known as the balance of color or tone.
What is the hue?
Primary and secondary colors positioned directly opposite each other.
What are complementary colors?
We have this many prime colors.
What is 3?
An example of a secondary color.
What is Green, Purple, or Orange?
A cuticle that is slightly raised and rough has this porosity.
What is high porosity?
Colors such as red blue and green.
What is the hue?
Although the name is Complimentary, these colors do this.
What is cancel out each other?
Two primary colors make this.
What is a secondary color
This secondary color is between red and yellow.
What is orange?
Hair that has a tight cuticle smooth to touch has this type of porosity.
What is low porosity?
This is the varying degree of warmth exposed during the permanent color or lightening process.
What is undertone or contributing pigment?
If you want to get rid of unwanted red you would use this color.
What is green?
A primary and a secondary color mix together to form this. Give an example of one.
You would find purple between these 2 primary colors.
What is Red and Blue?
Hair that absorbs color quickly and produces a deeper tone.
What is highly porous hair?
This is the most important step in becoming a good colorist.
What is learning to identify a clients natural color?
Unit of measurement used to identify the lightness or darkness of a color.
What is the level system?
The names of the primary colors.
What is Red Yellow and Blue?
The names of the secondary colors.
What is Orange, Purple and Green?
Hair that has low porosity is harder to color because of this.
What is a tightly closed cuticle?
The three types of melanin in the cortex and what color they are responsible for.
What is eumelanin, black and brown, pheomelanin, blond and red and mixed melanin a combination of both?
The level system ranges from this to this with the lowest being this type of color.
What is 1 to 10? With the 1 being black.