Natural Selection
Apocalypse Survival
Life Skills

Where did Charles Darwin do his study on evolution and natural selection of finches?

Galapagos islands


What should you do in the event of a tornado?

Go inside to the lowest floor and avoid windows


Correct this statement: When comparing prices of similar products in the grocery store, it is always more financially responsible to buy the product with the cheaper total price.

Always check the per-unit price. Like with pizza sizes, the relationship between price and amount of product is not always linear, so the unit price tells you the best bang for your buck.


Why is it bad for a population to be genetically identical?

less genetic diversity results in universal vulnerability to certain pathogens or loss of accessible resources


If you are home or at school during an earthquake, what is the safest place to be?

Under a table or desk

Explain why the following statement is True or False: Sometimes you don't want a raise from your employer because it could change your tax bracket, resulting in you paying so much more in taxes that you make less total money. 
The statement is False. Only the money you earn above a tax bracket threshold is taxed the higher percentage.

What is the difference between artificial and natural selection?

natural selection is when environmental pressures lead to certain traits surviving and being passed on, while artificial selection is when humans select which traits to breed


What is the most deadly/dangeorus part of a volcanic eruption?

Ash flow

American eggs must be refrigerated, but in European countries eggs aren't refrigerated. Why?
America washes and disinfects eggs to remove Salmonella, but it removes the cuticle layer that naturally protects from bacteria and leaves the shell porous. European eggs are not washed so can be left at room temperature, and their chickens are directly vaccinated against Salmonella.

What are 2 ways new genotypes can appear in a population?

mutation, migration


If you survive a nuclear blast, how soon is it safe to leave a fallout shelter?

Fallout radiation decays in about 1 month


When you pay for things using a credit card, you will receive a monthly bill from the credit company. What is the downside to only paying the minimum amount due?

Your remaining balance will accumulate interest that you also have to pay


Humans, dogs, birds, and whales all have the same number and kind of bones in their forelimbs, due to inheriting them from a common ancestor. However, a human forelimb looks very different from a whale forelimb. What kind of evolution results in homologous traits like this?

divergent evolution


What is the first thing you should do in ANY disaster scenario?

Don't panic


What are the 5 traits of a S.M.A.R.T. goal?

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Based
