Picture 1
Elder Eyring
Who said " I pray the Holy Ghost will enlighten each of us as we consider a higher and holier dimension of stillness in our lives.
Who is Elder Bednar
Who spoke "A Higher Joy"
who is Elder Uchtdorf.
Who was the president of BYUIdaho
Elder Bendar
Voice 1
Elder Kearon
Picture 2
Elder Christofferson
Who said "Words set atone. They voice our thoughts, feelings, and experiences."
Who is Elder Rasband
Who spoke "Be One with Christ"
who is Elder Cook
who was a diplomat.
Elder Gong
Voice 2
Elder Soares
Picture 3
Elder Andersen
Who said "I invite you to live the doctrine of Christ repeatedly, iteratively, and intentionally and help others on their way."
Who is Elder Runlund
Who spoke "Covenants and Responsibilities"
who is Elder Oaks.
who was a Church commissioner of Education
Elder Holland
Voice 3
Elder Andersen
Picture 4
Elder Soares
Who said "God hears every prayer we offer and responds to each of them according to the path He has outlined for our perfection."
Who is Elder Holland.
who spoke "All Things for Our Good"
who is Elder Gong.
Who was a sales representative?
Elder Rasband
Voice 4
Elder Oaks
Picture 5
Elder Stevenson
Who said " Priesthood keys give us the authority to extend all of the blessings promised to Abraham to every covenant-keeping man and woman.
Who is President Nelson
Who spoke "God's intent is to bring you home."
Who is Kearon.
Who was a heart surgeon
Voice 5
Elder Cook