Scientific Method
Scientific Method 2
Minerals 2
The best unit used to measure the amount of water in a full science lab sink is...
What is a liter?
Name the part of a science experiment that states: If I test a mineral sample with a compass, then it will cause the compass dial to turn.
What is the hypothesis?
Define control group.
What is the group that does not get "special" item being tested?
Minerals do not come from once living things, they are said to be...
What is inorganic?
The mineral known as "fools gold" is...
What is pyrite?
The best unit used to measure the thickness of a dime is...
What is a millimeter?
Name the step of the science experiment that requires the experimentor to read books and search the internet about minerals.
What is to collect information?
Choose the best example of a hypothesis: A. Container B will grow better than container A. B. I think container B will grow better then container A that only receives water. C. If container B is given "Grow-a-lot" they will grow better than container A. D. If container B is given the "Grow-a-lot" additive, then the plants will produce more green peppers than container A that is only fed water.
What is letter D?
The repeating pattern the grains in a mineral form is known as...
What is the crystal structure?
Which of the following is considered a mineral? cement, coal, salt, or pearls
What is salt?
The best unit used to measure the volume of a small glass of milk is...
What is a milliliter?
Name the part of the science experiment that states: How do minerals react to a compass?
What is defining the problem or stating the question?
Describe what an independent variable is.
What is the variable that is being tested and might cause a change?
A hard, colorful mineral that has a brilliant or glassy luster is a...
What is gemstone?
A mineral that can be mined at a profit is known as...
What is an ore?
The best unit to measure the distance from O'Fallon to St. Louis is...
What is a kilometer?
Name the part of a science experiment that would require the experimentor to write a report stating whether his/ her hypothesis was correct and what he/ she learned.
What is the conclusion?
Describe what a dependent variable is.
What is the change that should occur in the experiment if the independent variable works?
All but one of the following is a crystal shape: triclinic, tetragonal, metallic, and cubic. Which one is not?
What is metallic?
The test used to determine the color of a mineral's powder is...
What is the streak test?
The best unit used to measure the height of a flagpole is...
What is a meter?
Name the part of a science experiment that requires the experimentor to take various mineral samples and move them beneath a compass to check for the property of magnetism and record the results.
What is the design the experiment/ test the hypothesis?
In this potential experiment, name a constant (s). Will "Grow-a-lot" additive produce more green peppers if added to green pepper plants? Choices: container, potting soil, amount of water, and "Grow-a-lot"
What is the container, potting soil, and amount of water?
Mineral samples cannot be identified by hardness alone, why?
What is multiple minerals can have the same hardness rating?
Tests that can be done to determine a mineral as "fools gold" or real gold are...
What is streak, density, and hardness? You could also test it's chemical composition.