2.13 + 11.4=
What is 13.53 or thirteen and fifty-three hundredths?
21 x 12=
What is 252?
356 divided by 4 =
What is 89?
All energy for our food comes from this.
What is the sun?
Arranged in and order of time that the events occured.
What is chronological?
5 - 2.14=
What is 2.86 or two and eighty-six hundredths?
677 x 99 =
What is 67,023?
858 divided by 11=
What is 78?
You need to do this to cange a gas into a liquid.
What is take energy away/ slow the molecules down?
Able to move from one place to another.
What is mobil?
51.6 x 0.34=
What is 17.544 or seventeen and five hundred forty-four thousandths?
32 x 104 =
What is 320,000?
4366 divided by 36=
What is 121 r10?
The process in which sun energy is turned into food.
What is photosynthesis?
To reduce the value or look of something?
What is detract?
3.69 divided by 0.9 =
What is 4.1 or four and one tenth?
7214 x 89 =
What is 642,046?
3934 Divided by 73=
What is 53 r65?
These are nature's recyclers.
What are decomposers?
Happening or begining now or in recent times.
What is contemporary?
14.21 x 1/100
What is 0.1421 or one thousand four hundred twenty-one ten thousandths?
32 x 103 x 4=
What is 128,000?
32,654 divided by 103 =
What is 32.654 or thirty two and six hundered fifty-four thousandths?
This state of matter is rare. It needs a lot of energy to produce this.
What is plasma?
To force someone or something to move from a place or position.
What is dislocate?