2.13 + 11.4=
What is 13.53 or thirteen and fifty-three hundredths?
21 x 12=
What is 252?
356 divided by 4 =
What is 89?
All energy comes from this.
What is the sun?
Arranged in and order of time that the events occured.
What is chronological?
5 - 2.14=
What is 2.86 or two and eighty-six hundredths?
677 x 99 =
What is 67,023?
858 divided by 11=
What is 78?
This lasts 28 days.
What is the lunar cycle?
Able to move from one place to another.
What is mobil?
51.6 x 0.34=
What is 17.544 or seventeen and five hundred forty-four thousandths?
32 x 104 =
What is 320,000?
4366 divided by 36=
What is 121 r10?
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are this.
What are Terrestrial planets?
To reduce the value or look of something?
What is detract?
3.69 divided by 1/100 =
What is 0.00369?
7214 x 89 =
What is 642,046?
3934 Divided by 73=
What is 53 r65?
The phase of the moon after a full moon.
What is a waning gibbous?
Happening or begining now or in recent times.
What is contemporary?
14.21 x 100
What is 01421 or one thousand four hundred twenty-one?
32 x 103 x 4=
What is 128,000?
32,654 divided by 103 =
What is 32.654 or thirty two and six hundered fifty-four thousandths?
To remove something from something else.
What is extract?
To force someone or something to move from a place or position.
What is dislocate?