The name of the largest continent of Earth.
the belief in multiple gods, especially practiced by the Sumerians of Mesopotamia
Body of water that flows from Southern Egypt to Northern Egypt, it is 4000 miles long.
Nile River
an ancient Indo-European language of India, in which the Hindu scriptures and classical Indian epic poems are written and from which many northern Indian languages are derived.
The largest ocean on the planet.
Pacific Ocean
This river and the Euphrates River where the two rivers in what Mesopotamia means referring to "the land between two rivers"
Tigris River
The name of the place with the most famous Pyramids. Often called The Great Pyramids of this
They are important because they are among the oldest and the most foundational
texts of Hinduism and South Asian culture. They were composed between 1500 and 500 BCE
and are not religious scriptures but a mine of knowledge in the fields of philosophy, cosmology,
and ethics.
The Vedas
The name of the city that two planes hit the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001.
New York City
A system of writing that uses triangular shaped symbols to stand for words, ideas or sounds.
Father of many nations, father of Isaac, grandfather of Jacob.
A boy King, whose tomb was discovered by Howard Carter in 1922.
King Tut (Tutankhamen)
social ladder system in Indian history that
differentiates people in various groups according to birth, occupation, and ritual status.
Caste System
The feature of civilization relates to digging ditches for canals and organizing gardens.
Public Works
A set of laws that governed life in the Babylonian Empire, originally carved into stone stele or upright slab.
Hammurabi's Code
This woman was known as a helper to her mother-in-law even after her husband passed away. She showed great kindness to Naomi. Her name is also a book of the Hebrew Bible/Christian Old Testament.
The sun god, the most powerful Egyptian god.
Seasonal wind that brings rain to
the Indian subcontinent during
parts of the year.
The theme of five themes of geography that explores both the positive and negative impact of human activity on the landscape.
Human-Environment Interaction
Another name for trading goods with other people groups.
Name of the leader that brought the Hebrews into the Promised Land.
The name of the man who was sent down the river in a basket by his mom, to escape the killing of Hebrew babies, he later delivered the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt from the pharaoh Ramses the II.
What Valley was the home to 4 to 5 thousand cities along a now dried up river.
Indus Valley