Which branch of government gained significant power due to this decision?
Which constitutional principle was at the center of this debate regarding the division of power between national and state governments?
Which constitutional principle was at the center of this debate regarding the division of power between national and state governments?
What is the term for drawing boundaries of electoral districts to benefit a political party, candidate, or group?
Elections for members of which governmental body were affected by this decision?
U.S. House of Representatives
What judicial power was established with this ruling?
Judicial review
Why was the creation of a federal bank controversial?
It is not an expressed power.
Did the Supreme Court rule in favor of the United States or Lopez?
Elections for members of which governmental body were affected by this decision?
U.S. House of Representatives
What specific type of gerrymandering was challenged in this case?
Racial gerrymandering
What is judicial review?
The process by which a court reviews the actions of government to determine if they are constitutional or unconstitutional.
What type of powers are granted to the federal government that are not explicitly stated in the Constitution?
Implied Powers
How did this ruling impact federal power?
It limited federal power.
What was meant by the Supreme Court's decision of "one person, one vote?"
Each district should have roughly equal populations.
The Court ruled that oddly shaped _______________ districts were unconstitutional.
Majority- minority
Who was the Chief Justice that authored the opinion in this case?
John Marshall
Which clause did the Supreme Court reference to justify the federal government's creation of a national bank?
Necessary and Proper Clause
Which Constitutional clause did Congress cite to try and justify the Gun-Free School Zones Act?
Commerce Clause
Before this case, SCOTUS had stayed out of ___________ cases because they were believed to be solely political questions.
Redistricting/ gerrymandering
What was the Constitutional Clause that was central to the Court's Decision?
14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause
What law was partially declared unconstitutional in this case?
Judiciary Act of 1789.
The act created the three-level judicial system. It was ruled partially unconstitutional because it gave the Supreme Court too much original jurisdiction.
Which clause did the Supreme Court reference to determine that the state of Maryland could not tax the federal bank?
Supremacy Clause (Article VI)
Why did the Supreme Court decide that Congress (federal government) had overstepped its powers under the Commerce Clause?
Carrying a gun in a school zone is not an economic activity that substantially affects interstate commerce. It is a reserved power.
Which amendment's Equal Protection Clause was central to this case?
14th Amendment
The Court's ruling required districts to avoid using race as the __________ factor, ensuring compliance with the Equal Protection Clause
Predominant, or sole.