What are the Big 3 Rules?
Be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible
Who is your 2nd block teacher?
What do you do when you need a pencil?
Hold up 2 fingers, Ms. Brinker will give you a thumbs up to sharpen you pencil or you will trade a castle cash for a new pencil. You may also ask a friend to borrow one at an appropriate time.
True or False: The Castle Cash store is open to every grade, every morning.
We have lots of students in our class. Can you correctly identify and name 3 of them?
Any students in the class.
What is an example of being respectful in the HALLWAYS?
Ms Brinker, Roberts, Downing, and Magana
What do you do when you need a sip of water?
If we are learning, hold up 3 fingers to make a W and wait for Ms. Brinker to give you a thumbs up. Or, you may get a drink during any "transition time" (ex: when we are lining up, moving to a station, et)
Where is Nurse Bridgette's office?
It is on the left of the hallway on the way to the office/cafeteria. There is a big sign on her door.
True or False: If you move to yellow 3x in ANY class throughout the week, you have Study Hall on Friday.
True. Your yellows will only count against you if you end the class on yellow, so if you moved back to green it doesn't count.
What is an example of being responsible in RELATED ARTS?
Possible answers: Following the teacher's directions, remembering to bring your lunch box, tracking the speaker with quiet mouths
There are 5 related arts teachers. List 3 of them and what they teach.
Ms. Moon - Art
Ms. Roper - Music
Ms. Warrien - Computer
Mrs. Strong - STEM
What is the first 3 things you should do when you enter the classroom?
Unpack, read the board/write in agenda, start on morning work quietly
What happens when you mvoe to yellow, but your behavior improves?
You get to move back to green and it won't count against you. Your name will stay under Sideline on the pathway board.
True or False: It is okay to run and interrupt the teacher if there is a true emegency (example: someone is very badly hurt or passed out).
True: Safety first! If someone's health is in danger, alert an adult IMMEDIATELY, even if that means you have to hurry to the teacher or intterupt.
False. Ms. Brinkers favorite sports are GOLF and running.
False: Stand quietly behind your desk with you chair stacked when you are ready to go home. Ms. Brinker may also give you a job to do!
True or False: You can sit anywhere you want in the cafeteria.
False. You must sit at your assigned seat and table.
What happens when you break a rule more than once during class?
You write your name under sideline and move to yellow. You may have a logical consequence or reset depending on the bahvior.
True or False: If you see somone doing something to break a rule and the teacher hasn't said anything to that student yet, it must mean that it's okay for you to do it, too.
False: The teacher may be waiting or ignoring the bad behavior because they are teaching. You may also not have seen the teacher talk to that student because they did so in private. Just because someone else is doing it does NOT mean that it is okay!
What are the names of our Principal and Assistant Principal?
Ms. Hawkins and Mr. Peterson
What is our bathroom procedure?
Standing against the wall on the grey ramp. We wait until the bathroom monitor gives the thumbs up or the teacher tells us we can go.
Where is the counselor's office, and what is our counselor's name?
Our counselor, Ms. Lindsey, has an office by the castle cash store/library. It is around the corner from PE and has the relaxing lights. Eventually she will have a sign up sheet for you to talk to her if you are having big feelings.
What happens if you move to Red 1?
If you move to Red 1, you have to fill out a fix-it ticket and you will have Study Hall on Friday. The ticket will not be sent home unless your behavior continues, but the teacher will write a small note in your agenda.