Surname of Fred Flintstone's best pal, Barney
What is Rubble?
Lincoln was asked to make a "few appropriate remarks" here November 19, 1863
What is Gettysburg?
An emblem sewn on a uniform sleeve, or a field of pumpkins
What is a patch?
This garden appears in the book of Genesis
What is Eden?
Parallelogram with all right angles and unequal sides
What is a rectangle?
Regina Jonas is considered the first female one of these Jewish religious leaders
What is a Rabbi?
This civil war general and U.S. president graduated near the middle of his west point class
Who is Ulysses S. Grant?
1950 Disney film in which "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo" turned a pumpkin into a coach
What is Cinderella?
The angel of the lord appeared unto him in a burning bush
Who is Moses?
An angel measuring less than 90 degrees
What is Acute?
To break someone's illusion is to "burst" their this
What is bubble?
Despite opposition from Knoxville unionists, this state seceded in June 1861
What is Tennessee?
Pumpkins are grown on every continent except this one
What is Antarctica?
First Corinthians 13 says "and now abideth faith, hope, charity.... but the greatest of these is" this one
What is Charity?
What is known as the perimeter of a circle
What is a circumference?
Chopped salad with cheese, avocado, bacon and egg
What is Cobb?
The Confederates held this fort from April 1861 to February 1865
What is Fort Sumter?
Irish legend has it that this holiday staple is named for a man rejected by both heaven and hell
What is a Jack O' Lantern?
2 Women have their own books in the King James Bible: Ruth and "Her"
Who is Esther?
Instrument used to measure angles
What is a protractor?
Card game scored with a board and small pegs
What is Cribbage?
In May 1861 the Confederacy moved its capital to this city 100 miles south of Washington D.C.
What is Richmond?
Founded in 1869, this brand of number one for canned pumpkins sales in the U.S.
What is Libby's?
When this man's brothers said that he was alive, his father Jacob's "Heart fainted, for he believed them not"
Who is Joseph?
A quadrilateral having only 2 sides parallel
What is a trapezoid?