What miracle happened when Elisha struck the water with Elijah’s cloak? What did the prophets say when they saw Elisha part the water?
The water divided and Elisha walked through.
“The Spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.”
Who built Elisha a small room to stay in and always showed him hospitality?
The Shunammite woman.
What did Elisha tell Naaman to do?
Wash in the Jordan River 7 times and he became clean.
Who besieged Samaria? What happened to the people in Samaria?
Ben-hadad, king of Syria.
They began to starve.
What did Jehu do to the rest of Ahab’s family?
What did Jehu do to the followers of Baal?
Killed them all.
He pretended to serve Baal and gathered them all together and killed them.
What happened to the boys who were mocking Elisha?
Most of them were killed by two female bears.
What did Elisha promise the woman because of her kindness?
She would have a son.
What was the name of Elisha’s servant who lied in order to get riches from Naaman?
What did the lepers find when they got to the camp?
The Syrians had fled because God had caused them to hear the sound of a great army.
Why did Elisha have Jehoash shoot an arrow out a window?
Why did Elisha have Jehoash strike the ground with arrows?
To show that it was the Lord’s arrow of victory which would give Israel victory over Syria.
The number of times he struck the ground was the number of times Israel would defeat Syria.
What did Elisha do to the water of Jericho?
He threw salt in it and it became good to drink.
What happened to her son when he was older?
He got very sick and died but God raised him from the dead through Elisha.
What miracle did Elisha perform to help the prophet find the axe head?
Elisha threw a stick into the Jordan River which caused the axe head to float.
What did Jehu do as soon as he was anointed king?
He killed King Joram and King Ahaziah.
What did King Jeroboam II do for Israel?
Restored the border.
Who did King Jehoram ask for help from when Moab rebelled?
Jehoshaphat, king of Judah.
Who was Naaman and what sickness did he have?
A Syrian army commander who had leprosy.
Why did the king of Syria send an army to capture Elisha?
Elisha kept telling the king of Israel the Syrian’s plans of attack which the LORD made known to him.
Where was King Joram’s body thrown to fulfill what God had prophesied years before?
In Naboth’s vineyard.
What happened to Zechariah after reigning for 6 months?
What happened to Shallum after reigning for 1 month?
Shallum conspired against him and killed him.
Menahem killed him and began to reign in his place.
What problem did the armies face while traveling through the wilderness? How was this solved?
They ran out of water. God sent running water through the wilderness although there had been no rain.
Why did Naaman travel to Israel?
To be healed by Elisha.
What did Elisha pray for God to do?
1. Open the eyes of his servant to see the heavenly army God had sent to protect them
2. Make the Syrian army blind.
Which wicked queen also had to be killed?
How did she die?
She was thrown down from a window and dogs ate her body.
Who was the last king of Israel before the Assyrian exile?
What did the Israelites do that led to their exile?
What did the king of Assyria do to the Israelites?
Worshipped false gods, ignored God’s covenant, and followed the practices of the nations around them.
Took them captive to Assyria.