What was Naaman's position/job?
Commander of the army (highest ranking)
What country was the first part of the story set in? (hint: what country was Naaman from)
Who suggested to Naaman that someone could cure him?
Little Israelite girl that they stole on one of their raids
What was Naaman's problem?
Had Leprosy
Where was Syria in relation to Israel?
North of Israel
Who did Naaman ask to heal him?
King of Israel (Jehoram)
Did Naaman and Elisha ever meet?
No, Elisha sent a messenger to tell Naaman
What did the King of Israel do / react when he heard Naaman's request and what does it symbolize?
He tore his clothes. It was a sign of distress and grief
Which prophet heard about Naaman's problem and offered a solution?
10 talents of silver, 6000 shekels of gold and 10 changes of clothing
Which rivers did Naaman think were cleaner than the one Elisha suggested?
River of Abana and Pharpar (rivers of Damascus)
Which river did Elisha ask Naaman to dip himself in?
Jordan River
How many times did Naaman have to dip himself in the river?
Seven times