What is the name of the son Lehi addresses in chapter 3?
What was the tragedy that happened in chapter 4?
Lehi died
According to vrs 1, what was Nephi praying to the Lord about?
The anger of his brothers
How many Josephs are mentioned in chapter 3
What is another title often given to 2 Nephi chapter 4?
Nephi's Ballad
What did God tell Nephi to do in chapter 5?
Leave Lamen and Lemuel
Who's prophesies does Lehi read from and where did he get them from?
Joseph who was sold into Egypt/ the Brass Plates
What does Nephi do to help him get out of his depression and despair?
He remembers his blessings
Who did Nephi's people want to be king?
Who was the other prophet prophesied about in chapter 3?
What blessing did Lehi leave for the sons and daughter's of Lamen?
That their cursing would be taken from them and answered upon the heads of their parents (vrs6)
List 2 things that Nephi did in the land of Nephi
Build temple
Duplicate Laban's sword
Cause his people to be industrious
Consecrated Joseph and Jacob as high priests.
What verse do we find out the name of the "seer" mentioned throughout chapter 3 and how do we know he will be named after his dad?
Vrs 15
Nephi says that he writes on these plates, "the things of his __________".
Why did the Lord give the Lamenites dark skin?
To remind Nephi's people not to marry those who don't believe in God.