Guess the Sport emoji.
What is Hand Ball
The person who first partook of the fruit in the Garden of Eden
Who is Eve
The first principal of the gospel of Jesus Christ
What is faith in the Jesus Christ
What are the names of the types of priesthood?
Aaronic and Melchizedek
This man is the current prophet of the church
Who is Russel Nelson
Guess the emoji.
He made it possible for us to overcome the effects of the Fall
Who is Jesus Christ
The second principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ
What is repentance
Who gave Joseph Smith the Aaronic priesthood?
John the Baptist
This prophet is the second oldest in the quorum of the 12
Who is Dallin H Oaks
Guess the emoji.
What is Hockey
What was the garden Adam and Eve were in called?
What is the Garden of Eden
The third principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ
What is baptism by immersion
Who gave Joseph Smith the Melchizedek priesthood?
Peter, James, and John
This prophet's first name is Jeffery
Who is Elder Holland
Guess the emoji
What is Kite Surfing
Jesus Christ is the only way we can return to his presences
Who is God or Heavenly Father
What Aaronic priesthood office is able to baptize?
What is the office of priest?
Who was the first person to pass the sacrament?
Jesus Christ
This prophet used to fly airlines for a living
Who is Elder Uchtdorf
Guess the emoji
What is Paintball?
This will keep us from returning to live with God
What is sin
What year was the book of mormon published?
What is 1830?
Who was Melchizedek?
a righteous king in Salem whom Abraham paid his tithing to
This prophet is the newest apostle called to the quorum of the 12
Who is Elder Kearon