A person or thing's weak point.
Achille's heel.
The process by which exhaust fumes and emissions act like a blanket around the Earth, allowing the sunlight to penetrate the atmosphere, but trapping the heat.
Greenhouse Effect
Suddenly. Unexpectedly.
Out of the blue.
Something which encourages desirable behavior.
Happening 'on and off.' Irregular.
Intermittent. Inconsistent.
Illogical. Seemingly unnatural.
The range of plant and or animal life in a certain area.
Very nearby or happening soon.
Right around the corner.
Something which discourages undesirable behavior.
Relating to a city.
Metropolitan. Urban.
Very tall buildings people live in.
High-rise apartment buildings
Able to be continued indefinitely.
Very rarely.
Once in a blue moon.
The trend towards international cooperation in areas such as trade, education, travel and culture.
Calming. Relaxing.
In a straight line. A direct path.
As the crow flies. Beeline.
The study of plants
Lacking much in the way of discretionary/disposable income.
On a tight budget.
A group of classical musicians that perform together under the direction of a conductor.
Lacking energy.
This means the things we do have more value than the things we say.
Actions speak louder than words. Talk is cheap. Show me don't tell me.
Laws which regulate the amount of pollution vehicles and factories are allowed to release. (2-words)
Emissions standards.
Don't leave yourself in a position where there's no going back to where you were before.
Don't burn your bridges.
The excitement we get from something that is new or unusual.
Novelty Value.
Energizing. Uplifting.